How to pick the right college for Arts & Languages

How to pick the right college for Arts & Languages

2 mins read3.4K Views Comment
Updated on May 30, 2012 04:51 IST

Those with a creative bent of mind usually pick up a career in Arts and languages. As in any other field, this also requires a specific training and development of a perspective. Though this field opens up very varied career paths, certain specifics are definitely required. The institute you study in will give you just that and prepare you for a career.


We spoke to our expert Gomati Dittakavi. Here are parameters you must take care of while selecting an institute for studying Arts and Languages.




The faculty for arts and humanities should have a minimum 7 years of teaching experience. They should have scored at least 60% in graduation or post graduation for teaching graduates. If they are teaching post graduates, it's mandatory to have Ph.D. from a recognised university. Since community related projects are included in almost all the disciplines. So the faculty should have some awareness on the socio- economic issues that are predominant in the society.


Labs and infrastructure:


It's a myth that arts /humanities don't need labs. They do have labs like language lab, psychology lab etc. The labs should have customised testing devices which are based on technology and should be user friendly. The computers used in these labs should have a special program to evaluate and draw conclusions on the experiments that are being done. The programs designed should be easy to understand.




Contrary to popular belief, these disciplines also attract campus placements. The placement depends upon the interest and aptitude of the individual. Students graduated from EFLU, National Institute of Drama etc are getting placed immediately after finishing the course. You can try to find out the previous placements from the college. A good think to ask would be the companies they have tie ups with.


Questions to ask before you decide on a college -

    1. Check the details of the institute on the website
    2. See the profile of the faculty (UGC has made it mandatory to display the name and qualification of the faculty)
    3. UGC/AICTE /NAAC accreditation
    4. Student teacher ratio
    5. Library and Laboratory (would suggest to visit the library and the laboratory to see aned check the authenticity of the information)
    6. Teaching Methodology 
    7. External faculty/ resource persons taking part


      Click here for more information


      Gomati Dittakavi is Advisor - Education and Training, Vanguardz ,Hyderabad. Know more about her


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      This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio