MPSC to make its online exam foolproof: A remarkable initiation, Indeed!
According to sources, the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) is to make its online exam foolproof. The MPSC has initiated strategies to plug holes in its newly introduced online application system. The very move was taken considering the misuse of the new system as a medium for mass copying.
While applying for the examination in OAS, group of students, rather, friends have been applying in batches for the purpose of securing back to back roll numbers and same examination centre to facilitate copying. There have been instances where the same has been reported but no complaints as such have been received by the members of the commission.
A system similar to that of The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), where the applicants are provided with hall ticket numbers and centre randomly is most likely to be adopted to overcome this hurdle. If the problem still persists, candidates approach to the district collector would help in abolishing all unfair means.Moreover, quiet a number of tutorials and aspirants have expressed their concerns considering it to be depressing development for aspirants preparing for the exam.
Feedback from the candidates is a must to strengthen the system and thus it should be ensured that the whole process of conducting the exam should take place in a better way.
Source: Madiha Jawed (Shiksha Team)
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