Mindset the biggest hurdle in the way of online tests

Mindset the biggest hurdle in the way of online tests

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Updated on Dec 17, 2009 02:32 IST

As people continue to indulge in the blame game following the CAT fiasco and are busy pointing fingers, efforts are on to look ahead and think of the challenges beyond the current situation.

Speaking at a public debate on ‘Opportunities and threats in the online testing domain’, in Mumbai’s Merchant Chambers,Vijay Mukhi, a cyber security expert, pointed out the need for Western technology to adjust to Indian standards.

“In India, online testing has been adopted from the West and so we also invite foreign companies to set up mechanisms in India. However, we forget that before adopting any technology, it is necessary to test it and conform to local standards,” he said.

Ninad Karpe, CEO & MD Aptech Ltd, suggested that involved institutions should join hands and come up with a robust solution for the online testing industry because “to stop using the technology is not a solution; rather, we need to think of innovations instead of manual substitution”.

Deepak Pathak, head, computer division, IIT Bombay, felt that the organisers of the tests were responsible for ensuring that things moved smoothly as “the number of people appearing for the examination could be handled by the available technologies”.

Pathak pointed out that the biggest hindrance faced by the online examination format was the mindset of the students and the teachers — they are not ready to give up the pen-and-paper format.

Author: HT Horizons

Date: 16th Dec., 2009

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