A Level Playing Field

A Level Playing Field

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Updated on Oct 25, 2010 02:39 IST

In the last twelve months, the IT industry has faced a very volatile and uncertain environment with the slowdown becoming an inescapable reality. This has impacted the growth trajectory and the industry has undertaken multiple measures to enhance efficiency, diversify into newer markets, reduce operating costs and reinvent business models. But still the effects will continue to be felt for some time. In such times when job losses, salary freezes and maniacal focus on operational excellence has become a norm, the role of HR within organizations is undergoing a significant change as well. These developments have also caused major shifts in perception as to which companies can still be categozised as good employers and which cannot. While global MNCs have been the harbingers of great HR practices to India, in the wake of the current slowdown, most of these best practices seem to have gone out the window. On the upside, in a way this has proved to be a level playing field in India, with more number of emerging IT companies quickly going up the learning curve and grabbing a position in the Best Mployers list. And this is precisely what the DQ-IDC Best Employers Survey findings indicateseven new companies among the Top20 names.


While majority of the large Indian as well as MNC companies resorted to layoffs as a business necessity; they did very little to control the knee-jerk response. Things took an ugly turn, with negative headlines on the HR front dominating media coverage, sometimes at the risk of the companys image. While many of these reports were true, many were not entirely so. And this we realized only on approaching each company for the DQ-IDC Best Employer Survey 2008. The lack of transparency and hesitation in sharing information was discomfiting. Four large companies ended up not participating and all for the first time in the history of this research. The reasons cited were corporate policies preventing the sharing of sensitive HR information. For all those who love reading between the lines, the little said the better.

Date: 30th September, 2010

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