Best Practices for Developing and Optimizing Threaded Applications, Part 2.1

Best Practices for Developing and Optimizing Threaded Applications, Part 2.1

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Updated on Jul 22, 2011 05:02 IST

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The performance analysis phase is used to optimize the serial application before introducing threads, and identify where to introduce threads in the application in order to achieve a high performance threaded application.

While threading can be a challenge, new software development tools help simplify the process by identifying thread correctness issues and performance opportunities. We present tools that can be used for the first phase of the methodology, the performance analysis phase that helps you to understand which functions would be a good candidate in your application and which would benefit from threading.

Shwetha Doss and
John O’Neill, Ph.D.,
Software and Services
Group, Intel Corporation

Source: Intel Software Network

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