Move over Traditional Advertising! Long live communications!
At the dawn of yet another recession strategic business management becomes imperative in preparation of a new crisis. With global players offering multiple options at the click of a button the consumer buying process may change in certain product categories, alongside of personal time constraints.
The use of a plethora of strategic alternatives and tools such as reengineering, restructuring, co-opting, joint promotions, mergers across relevant parameters becomes critical in the ace of competitive dynamism. In some cases even survival becomes difficult.
The communication industry in India, still at the growth stage, is set for another churn within its own band width of communication tools. Their prioritization, use and effective measurement in giving the organizations the expected returns is going to become far more difficult.
From an educationists perspective, we see a perceptible change in the post graduates opting for multiple fields in communications; 15 years ago out of a 100 students who joined the Delhi School of Communication's post graduate program in communication, all the 100 wanted to opt for client servicing as their career. Today only 40 want to do this. The remaining students are spread across Public Relations, Journalism, Event management, creative - including copy and films, web based PR and advertising, marketing and many opt for media planning and buying. Others also try their hand at entrepreneurial ventures from this plethora of options, even at this young age.
In fact, PR and Events has taken off as a distinctly advantageous communication tool. PR offers more focused plans w.r.t consumer attention and corporate stakes in the overall communication budget. Hit the nail on the head, as they say! Corporates therefore have begun to understand the effect of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) strategy as opposed to relying on advertising alone as an ad-vantage.
IMC helps the brand to stand out across various communication tools, repeatedly providing brand cues, the main message being the same across various tools. This creates a block buster effect and therefore a higher recall.
Also theme advertising is a huge success. It almost delights the consumer. ‘The Jago Re' anti - corruption campaign by Tata Tea and ‘What an Idea Sirji' by Idea are fantastic theme based campaigns. They portray current issues prevalent in the macro - environment and those that affect our daily life, without touching on brand constructs. This lifts the brand beyond the usual technicalities of brand management- positioning and differentiation, taking a giant leap through corporate social responsibility. It allows the brand to piggy back, silently on the mega -image effect. The brand automatically becomes a ‘Change Agent', is seen as different, creating a sense of pride and participation i.e. purchase! It allows the consumer also to be a ‘Change Agent' - What an idea!
The use of innovative media such as metro pillars, wall columns, staircases, web PR and advertising lifts, escalators all attract attention , are unique and interesting. The intelligent, sensitive consumer, the King, will most certainly buy a proposition that helps him/her to think beyond norms and normalcy and completes one to move from being the ordinary to the extraordinary.
Cheers to new age advertising and cheers to IMC - the holistic approach to bring and bind loyalty at the click of a button.
Written by:
Prof. Ramola Kumar
The author is founder Dean, The Delhi School of Communication. An academician for over 3 decades now, her areas of specialization include Advertising, Marketing & Branding. An MBA from Ottawa University, she has authored several books including a crossword on Marketing & Communication & 5 poetry books.
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