Public Relations: Affecting Changes

Public Relations: Affecting Changes

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Updated on Apr 17, 2012 10:21 IST

The silent face of communications is waking, beginning to talk and is being heard.

What you say and more importantly how you say it to a world overloaded with inputs of a corporate, its brands, its systems day in - day outmakes valuable contribution to its future..


Public Relations, the two words, represent exactly what they are - ‘to relate with publics of an organization. Highly focused in its content value, it operates at a subconscious level on a safe-mode. For instance, the well known case where a syringe was found in a Pepsi bottle. The case created panic amongst consumers. PR came to the rescue in this crisis by building a safety net for the corporate - consumer nexus. Live demonstrations of the impossibility of anything entering a Pepsi bottle during the manufacturing process showed the truth, and the publics were satisfied. Unlike advertising which creates a lot of glut in the clutter, PR focuses sensitively on the issue at hand and retains credibility. Thereby strengthening at the corporate-consumer nexus. It gently convinces and persuades.


If the target audience is net savvy, for them, digital PR has already made forays on using the World Wide Web. Ford Figo was launched with a phenomenal PR campaign laying the brand base in a credible manner through a great PR campaign. Digital communications through blogging, conducting PR events and games online, are being introduced more and more on the net. Through blogging one can use expert opinions to provide conviction for brand preference, leading to brand selection.


For e.g., engaging expert auto dealers to provide opinion on a new car launch will answer various consumer queries there and then. Similarly skin therapists can provide expert opinion on a new body moisturizer/body lotion creating an expression of ‘safe to use' product.


The next generation comprises risk takers, experimenters, tech-savy youngsters who participate enthusiastically and can be engaged in brand building through PR and other brand connect exercises. These activities are strategically planned for a focused audience. The results are readily measurable through net analysis and hence their use and impact becomes all the more relevant and critical. Sustained PR creates believability and strengthens the anchor through brand experience. This concept can further lead to evolvement of brand communities.


For more read the next article on ‘Brand characterization and brand communities.'


Written By:


Prof. Ramola Kumar


The author is founder Dean, The Delhi School of Communication. An academician for over 3 decades now, her areas of specialization include Advertising, Marketing & Branding. An MBA from Ottawa University, she has authored several books including a crossword on Marketing & Communication & 5 poetry books.

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