DU, Jamia to launch Math + Mass Comm course!

DU, Jamia to launch Math + Mass Comm course!

1 min read556 Views 2 Comments
Updated on Aug 31, 2012 10:40 IST

Are you game for a course in mathematics with mass communication?

Delhi University and Jamia Millia Islamia have created an innovative course combining mathematics with mass communication. The course is designed for math learners and individuals aspiring to teach mathematics.

The first ever hybrid university to be launched by these universities will offer a masters degree in mathematics education with mass communication. The course is developed on the Meta University concept. Proposed earlier by the Prime Minister, the Meta University concept would enable students to study different subjects at multiple universities while pursuing a single course of study. (Read more)

Course details:

  • Mode of selection will be a common entrance exam
  • Students will be studying at both the universities - DU and Jamia
  • Course curriculum for mathematics is developed by DU, while for mass communication, the curriculum will be provided by Jamia.

The first batch of the course will admit 20 students, whereby 10 students each will be selected by both the universities. This two year course will lead to a degree citing the names of both the universities.

Najeeb Jung, vice chancellor, Jamia Millia calls it a “thrilling course” meant for “the more intelligent”. He finds that mass communication will lend attractiveness to mathematics. Those enrolled in the course will have learnt their basics at the graduation level. The course is expected to generate interest for mathematics among students.

The concept of Meta University has been approved by DU's academic council in a meeting held on July 21. However, Jamia still awaits the green signal from the board of its department of teachers' education for the curriculum. (Read more)

The newly launched meta college course, B.Tech in Humanities, by Delhi University (DU), received around 300 applications. (Read more)

Mix and Match courses at DU's meta college!

Other interesting reads:

-DU's B.Tech in humanities entrance test on Aug 26
-Meta-university launch in slow gear




About the Author

This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio






2013-04-07 23:37:52

Is the course open now or still to be implemented ??

Reply to smriti


2012-09-11 19:12:49

useful info for all mass comm students: Following is the detail of a good book for those want to enter journalism/mass comm Book: How to Become a Good Journalist (Author: Raza Elahi); Price: Rs 250 ; Rs 75 (PB) Publisher: Atlantic Publisher, Delhi. To Buy: E-mail at orders AT atlanticbooks DOTCOM

Reply to abhi


2013-03-18 20:00:37

Students seeking admission in PG/Graduation in mass media and journalism/ mass communication , must read two books of a senior journalist, Raza Elahi. (1). "Nuances of Journalistic Writings" (available at RS 126) and (2). "Media Hive's Journalism & Mass Comunication Entrance Exam Guide" (available a

...Read more


Mohd. Salman Khan

2012-10-17 21:20:59

thank u abhi sir to share this with us

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