Impact of Mass Media on Society
Here are 10 ways how mass media has impacted society.
Imagine a world without mass media. I bet you can’t. Without it, we would still be cooped up in tiny bubbles. Our exposure to new things would be so limited and consequently, we would have been way backwards than we are today. The ever-evolving mass media has a big hand in shaping the society that we live in today. The impact of mass media on society is so intense that we can almost define different segments of it based on the media that they consume. Mass media really has opened the world to us. In this article, let’s find out what the impact of mass media on society really is.
Mass Media and Society Over Time
It took a while for mass media to become what it is today. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that oral traditions were the first form of mass media across cultures of the world. Speaking of our land, saints and sages recited stories to their disciples who spread it further. Interestingly, this oral passing on of religious myths and stories came with hidden moral lessons and life lessons. Then came writing. This incredible language tool brought a higher standard of information dissemination with it. The information being passed on became more standard. Different versions of the same accounts were reduced. Then came the printing press which significantly increased the number of people who could access written material. The first prints that were distributed were obviously religious but then came newspapers that took mass media a massive step further. People were now highly aware of what was happening to other people. Started locally, we were eventually able to access world news. Then came Mr Marconi with his radio. It was quick, quicker than newspapers. Information was literally in the air. It was when film and TV entered the game that our way of consuming information completely changed.
Impact of Mass Media on Society
It is absolutely evident that mass media brought us out of our caves. But ‘how’ is the question. Here are some ways that mass media has impacted society and continues to do so.
1. Information Dissemination -
We consume news on a daily basis. Newspapers and televisions have been household objects for years now. Now with social media so prevalent, even when we are seeking entertainment, we get informed through gags, memes and whatnot. There are mobile applications meant for news and news alone. Social media is on our phones. We have information on the go. The reach of these mediums is unimaginably humongous. On top of that, we’re not just consuming the information anymore. We have become citizen reporters, we have become the source. Mass media has made this possible.
2. Entertainment -
We turn to mass media for entertainment. So much content is produced and put out through mass media each day. For most of us, family time is TV time. Even when we’re alone, we turn to the internet for entertainment. We even have the internet on our TVs now. No wonder Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, Max, etc. are such giants.
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3. Opinion Formation -
News is generally multifaceted. We get to know the views of the multiple parties involved. Even though it shouldn’t be, based on the source, news can sometimes be biased. This influences our opinions of events, people in the public eye and content in general.
4. Education -
Media plays an important role in educating people. It not only introduces new information to people but also incites curiosity. People indulge in learning new things when they are given new information through the media.
5. Advertising -
With capitalism at an all-time high, you’ll find advertisements wherever you turn. Since reach is such a huge aspect of the media, all media platforms are also incredible advertising platforms. People spend a lot of time consuming media, they see tons of ads and have a tendency to take great interest in the products and services that are being pushed by businesses. With social media and its mobile use booming, targeted ads are now a thing. It’s a personalised marketing approach based on users’ activities and actions. People have whole jobs dedicated to turning clicks into actions. Media and advertising go hand in hand and it has seemingly become inescapable.
6. Socialisation -
When it comes to learning about new cultures, groups and societies, the media does a great deal. People learn about other people’s values, behaviours and ways of being in general. They learn things that aren’t usual to them are somebody else’s normal. Media opens people up to other people.
7. Globalisation -
In today’s day and age, we have the world at our fingertips. Media has connected people overseas. Back in the day (that is before media was this rampant) only a few groups like traders, rulers, delegates and only very important people were aware of the ways of other lands. Now, while we celebrate Diwali, we can also tell what’s going on at Ireland’s Samhain festivities. You can order things from all over the world with just a click. You can trade information faster than ever. You can talk to people overseas in real-time. You can access their news. This age is more global than ever, all thanks to the media.
8. Economic Impact -
The media creates countless jobs for its creation, regulation, administration, moderation, etc. Since the media is so diverse, it covers a lot more economic groups than we realise. From CEOs to blue-collar workers, the industry is so massive that it has a job for everyone. It makes for a huge chunk of a state’s economy.
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9. Cultural Influence -
It’s only human nature to imbibe values, behaviours, trends and fads as we go on to experience them. You might have seen people copying the styles of their favourite celebrities and influencers. We see cooking content and try to recreate it, do it again and again and just adopt the recipes and methods. We see a philosopher or religious leaders, resonate with their ideologies and adopt their values. This kind of exposure is only possible because of the media and consequently, we’re culturally influenced.
10. Political Influence -
Politics is immensely influenced by the media. Politicians and their parties use the media platforms to promote their agendas. Media gives political campaigns a platform. This also gives the citizens a chance to know their representatives better. However, politics in the media can also be misleading. Media platforms can be biased about certain groups. They can be bought off. Social media can also be used to manipulate voters.
How else do you think mass media impacts society? Tell us in the comments.
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Aayushi is a BAJMC graduate and an ardent consumer of content with a keen passion for film, TV and books. She specialises in Mass Communication and Humanities related exams, entrances and courses.