Social media is the new recruitment tool
By Latika Leekha
Many of us treat social media as a networking place. Social media, that is, the networking sites are proving to be much more than that. Human Resource professionals are turning to such sites to look for probable employees. Sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and many more have become a repository of talent.
As quoted by Somika Basu, manager, Tech For India communications, "We have been leveraging social media much more because getting air time or space in publications is expensive." One of the chief impulses behind the drive has been social media blitz including:
- Youtube
- Organization's own blog
Basu also commented that since their model is layered and complicated so the social media further augments their scope. (Read more...)
Reaching out to the fresh talent is a very fragile and intricate process. Today, numerous organisations and concerns are exploring social media along with other online alternatives for connecting to the new folks. Few companies who have been using social media to attract talent are:
- Ernst and Young
- Jobokplease
- Chlorophyll
- Gateway House
Knitting through world, making it a smaller place, social networking acts as a linkage between the job givers and the job seekers. It grants the opportunity of approaching the correct talent pool of students who match the requisites of a particular profile.
Besides the standard ones, even mailing lists and Yahoo groups are also being increasingly used by establishments for advertising the openings as well as by those hunting for jobs.
Students of colleges are often seen opting for jobs outside of the placement process at the colleges because the companies offering recruitments don't match their expectations.
Social media іѕ not a fad and it іѕ not going away. Studies reveal that аѕ οf 2010, more than 96% people under the age of 25 hаνе joined at lеаѕt one social network. This implies that in order to attract the best and the brightest contenders, social media should be a vital part of the marketing strategy.
Other interesting reads:
- Red Hot Career Trend: Social Media Marketing!
- 117% Rise in Demand for Social Media Skills in HR Jobs
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2013-07-20 17:04:24
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