Films and Education: The Larger Picture

Films and Education: The Larger Picture

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Updated on Sep 16, 2010 11:23 IST

Like Education, films have become an integral part of our lives. The license to dive into another world of make-belief, they have become objects of projection for many of us that otherwise we would not have even thought of doing in our real lives. Over the years, however, films have made rapid strides with regards to its significance in the field of education. Projections and alternative identity is something else, but how did films come to get associated with education? It's the power embedded in them that we as audiences soak up while viewing a motion picture without even paying any heed to the same.

Films are composed of audio and visual effects. It is here that lays the uninhibited power to exploit, motivate and infuse ideas and details into any human being's mind. The most powerful means to garner attention is what makes it a truly formidable medium and an ideal one to be used to facilitate and accentuate education.

Lack of proper education since time immemorial has been blamed for much of the evils present in society today. The challenge is more when it comes to developing nations. Over burgeoning population levels, lack of education infrastructure, corruption and lack of visionaries have only made matters worse. India being a developing nation faces all of these problems with remarkable high levels of illiteracy and also poverty which further tangles the cycle of education.

Only 12% of India's youth avail higher education. Each year India sees a new crop of 5,00,00 graduates, 75% of whom according to NASSCOM estimates are not easily employable thanks to their lack of job oriented training. So education is not becoming literate it is a means to further the quality of life. Over time the challenges have widened further. The vital aspect now is to capture young minds so that they are enamored by the whole process of education. What better way to do it than by using films as a medium.


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