2 days to CAT 2014: Don’t get a sectional hangover
The last stages of CAT 2014 are approaching fast. Candidates are leaving no stones unturned to get the perfect percentile.
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Almost one lakh candidates appeared for CAT 2014 on November 16 and another 1 lakh candidates are scheduled to take the exam on November 22. “Exactly 92,504 candidates appeared for the test on November 16. Preparations are in full swing for second CAT test on November 22,” CAT 2014 Convenor Rohit Kapoor informed Shiksha.com.
Candidates should be careful about avoiding mistakes in the third and fourth slots.
Here are some last minute tips for CAT 2014:
1. Sectional Hangover
Finish solving problems, remember it is very important to demonstrate competency across both sections of CAT 2014. With the ability to shift between sections at any point during the exam, candidates should time themselves well to avoid sectional hangover. In other words, move on quickly to the next question as soon as possible.
2. Speed Breakers, Game Changers
Experts have pointed out several speed breakers in analysis of CAT 2014 first slot and CAT 2014 second slot. Identify the potential game changers while you go through the CAT 2014 question paper for the first time. Use the question palette colours to come back to the question. Mark it violet and quickly come back to the question in the second round while attempting the paper. Marking the questions helps you identify those questions that you wish to attempt or review later.
3. CAT 2014: What to expect on November 22?
At Shiksha.com we received several queries on mail and telephone lines on ‘what to expect’ in the third and fourth slot of CAT 2014. Some of the aspirants asked “Should we expect same paper pattern as CAT 2014 slot 1/ slot 2?” while others asked “Is the new format more difficult?”
Manish Harodia, founder of Genesis Mentors, answers all such questions in this article: CAT 2014- What to expect on November 22?
4. Key Learnings
It would be stupid to predict or assume that the other slots will be the same. However, if this is how CAT continues to stay, it will be a good one for the well prepared. Stick to the basics, be aggressive, and get your selection right with independent questions,” says Parasharan Chari, Endeavour Careers. Key learnings from CAT 2014 first day.
5. Panic button
Don’t press the panic button. Brain performs the best when it is calm and composed. No matter what comes your way – technical glitches, system issues, difficult paper, lengthy exam, or questions from uncovered topics – keep calm. The moment you panic, it’s over.
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