Bschool Lingo: 23 things MBA students say

Bschool Lingo: 23 things MBA students say

4 mins read10.3K Views Comment
Updated on Jun 8, 2015 16:55 IST

Abbey kya fadu prof hai, yaar. Uske class mein to DCP ki jarurat hi nahi hai,” said a friend on his phone. This dear friend, a current MBA student at a top B-school, was advising a fuccha.

I was intrigued. Fuccha, DCP – what does this mean?

Beta, MBA padho, to batayenge,” claimed the friend.

Well, pursuing an MBA is not in my list of plans at the moment.
But since I write on MBA, decoding the MBA student lingo wasn’t a hard nut to crack.

So, I got talking to some MBA graduates and visited some posts on the web.

Below, read a compiled list of MBA student lingo used at various b-schools across the country.

Please note: The list is not in alphabetical order



Globe/Gas: Referred to a person who has nothing meaningful to contribute to a discussion, but is never the one to shut up or stop using fancy business faff.


FAF - Free and Fadoo. Just another term for Globe or Gas.



Fuccha/ Fachcha: Referred to describe the first year kids / incoming batch of an MBA class. According to a post on Quora, Fucchas are "A collective noun used to refer to the collection of poor, tormented souls studying in the first year. Poor kids working their asses off 20 hours a day and still getting it kicked by Professors and recruiters alike. Miserable beings who survive for months on a week's worth of sleep. Wretched people surrounded by a barrage of assignments, surprise tests, corporate presentations, CVs, interviews and haunted by nightmares of not landing a job or flunking a subject.”



Tucchas: Been there, done that. The second/final year MBA students are referred as Tucchas in various B-Schools. The same post on Quora states, “At the opposite end of the spectrum, that seemingly elusive stature that every fachch (i) craves for. An honor, a title bestowed upon half the batch who have successfully crossed the year long chasm of suffering and have earned their right to a good night's party every day of the year. On a productivity scale of 1 to 10, tuchcha(i)s provide the lower reference point.”



DCP (Desperate Class Participation): This one is an import from Harvard Business School. As the name suggests, it refers to someone desperately participating in a class discussion but has nothing valuable to add. Reason being most business schools have marks for class participation. Hence, the desperate attempt to participate.


Arbit / Random CP: Arbitrary, random, illogical speech. Link it to DCP above.


Acads: No brainers, this one. A short term for academics, we believe it’s a direct import from IITs.


Bak / Bakar: Also called Bakwaas, it’s a term for mindless, pointless and senseless banter.


Fad / Fadu: Anything awesome and brilliant. For instance an awesome professor, whose class you shouldn’t give a miss, is a Fadu Prof.



Free-rider: “Every group has a free-rider,” once claimed an IIM Ahmedabad student.

Solving assignments, case studies and analysis are the collective efforts of a group of MBA students. There’s this one person in every group that does absolutely nothing to contribute but draws points for from collective efforts of group. Dear sir, you got a free-rider.



Joos/Juice: A classic IIM prank. Students highjack classmate’s laptop and send embarrassing letters to another student. Typically, these are love letters quoting cheesy movie lines or Neruda.

Here’s what Quoran Deepak Mehta had to say on Joos:/Juice "Any proclamation of undying love for another person communicated over the internet, usually as a mail sent to the entire batch, occasionally resulting in some frustrated first year cramming for upcoming exams complaining to the warden. The proclamation usually in the form of a ‘poetry’ that would make Robert Frost and Rabindranath Tagore squirm in their graves. Almost always sent by good Samaritan/wing-man when the actual Romeo is in an inebriated state."


Stud-max: This term used at IIM Ahmedabad. All IIM-A students are studs with their perfect CAT scores, brilliant academic records and experience. Then there are some who are stud-max. They shine the most among all the polished coins.

“Anyone who’s famous for some or the other reason in the institute are called stud-max,” explains a recent IIM-A passout.



Jokers: Students from IIM Calcutta would surely know what this means. For non-IIMC students, here’s the institute’s address:

IIM Calcutta
Diamond Harbour Road,
Joka, Kolkata (Calcutta) – 700104,
West Bengal.

See the Joka connection?



Cold-call: When professor calls out a name and asks for a comment or opinion.


WIMWI: Well-known Institute of Management in Western India, another term for IIM Ahmedabad.


Dorm Baap/ Dorm Maa: An IIM term for dorm representatives. These guys arrange everything in the dorm – from booze parties to late night parties. They also take care of all responsibilities of the dorm/hostel.


BB (Blackbook): The holy grail for every MBA student. BB refers to previous year’s class notes, exam papers, case study solutions and analysis. Sometimes, professors tend to repeat assignments which is when the BB is eagerly sought after.


Junta: Mass. People. People inside the outside class. People outside the class. Everyone on campus.


Light-le: A fairly common term, used in almost every college in India. A phrase for “Don’t take stress” or ‘Don’t fret’ or de-stressing.


Powering up: This term means switching on a device.


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This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio