MAT 2016 September exam dates announced
MAT 2016 September exams will be held in the first week of the month. The paper based exam is scheduled on September 4, 2016 between 10 am to 12:30 pm and the computer-based exam will be held on September 10, 2016 according to time-slots allotted to the candidates.
The sale of application forms began on July 1 and ended on August 20. However, those who haven't yet submitted their forms can do so by August 23, 2016.
The admit cards for both paper based and computer based test will be available for download on AIMA website from 27 August 2016 onwards.
MAT 2016: Eligibility and test centres
MAT or Management Aptitude Test is a national-level management entrance examination conducted by All India Management Association for admission to over 600 B-Schools across India.
MAT 2016 February result declared
The test is conducted four times a year in the months of February, May, September and December. This year, exams were held on February 7 (paper-pencil) and February 13 (computer-based) and on May 1 (paper-pencil) and May 7 (computer-based).
MAT 2016 May computer-based test conducted on May 7
MAT 2016 is an objective type exam with multiple-choice questions. The question paper consists of 200 questions to be solved in 2.5 hours.
MAT 2016: Syllabus and Pattern
The candidates are supposed to solve questions on Language Comprehension, Mathematical skills, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, Indian and Global Environment.
Result for MAT 2016 September is expected to be declared in the last week of the month.
Vipra is a massive Breaking Bad fan. When not watching crime drama series, she spends time in updating the list of places she wants to visit and people she wants to meet, but she is happiest in the company of dogs. ... Read Full Bio