MICAT and SNAP clash for December 20 exam date

MICAT and SNAP clash for December 20 exam date

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Updated on Aug 18, 2015 14:59 IST

As MICAT 2016 dates came out last evening, various MBA aspirants started panicking. Reason: MICAT and SNAP 2015 has been scheduled on the same day - December 20.

According to MICA’s official statement, released on Monday (August 17) evening, “MICAT to be conducted in 14 cities on December 20 | GE-PI in Bengaluru, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai by Mid-January 2016.”  The release also informed us about new changes in selection process such as MICAT will now be an online entrance test and that there are only three eligibility exams now:  CAT 2015, XAT 2016 and GMAT (2012 onwards).

Symbiosis International University (SIU) had already announced the SNAP 2015 exam date (December 20) on July 16.

When Shiksha.com contacted various team members of The Media and PR Wing of MICA, none were aware of the clash of date with SNAP.

One team member said, “I guess the decision-makers are makers are aware of this. But we’ll update you guys later.”

SNAP officials were not available for comments.

Interestingly, on MICA’s website, there’s a completely different exam date calendar mentioned:

MICA Admissions Calendar


MICA Admissions Calendar

Latest Update: MICA has now announced MICAT dates on the official website. The test date continues to be December 20.

Despite repeated efforts, there’s no clarity from MICA officials about the different schedule posted on the official website.

Traditionally, MICAT has been held in the month of February or March. Last year, MICAT was held on February 15, 2015.

No changes has been announced in terms of MICAT exam pattern. However, the exam is shifting to online / computer-based mode this year. Moreover, the selection process, i.e., Group Exercise and Personal Interview (GE-PI) for PGDM-Communication 2016-18 batch will happen twice. The first phase of GE-PI will be conducted at Bengaluru, Delhi, Kolkata & Mumbai, while the second phase GE-PI at MICA, Ahmedabad only.

CMAT, ATMA and MAT are no longer in the list of eligible exams.

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This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio