NMAT 2015 analysis: Same paper pattern; easy to moderate difficulty level, no surprises

NMAT 2015 analysis: Same paper pattern; easy to moderate difficulty level, no surprises

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Updated on Oct 7, 2014 17:13 IST

NMAT 2015 analysis: NMAT 2015 finally kicked off smoothly today, October 7, 2014. No new changes or surprises have been reported so far in NMAT 2015 paper pattern. To get a detailed NMAT 2015 analysis, we decided to talk to a few experts.

According to these experts, NMAT is more of a speed-based test rather than a test of knowledge. NMAT exam pattern hasn’t changed at all in the last two years. Candidates need to attempt 120 questions in 120 minutes. Each section is timed. Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation has 48 questions (to be attempted in 60 minutes), Verbal Ability section has 32 questions (to be attempted in 22 minutes) and Logical & Analytical Reasoning has 40 questions (to be attempted in 38 minutes).

NMAT 2015 late registration ends today. Re-take scheduling will also commence today. View student and expert reactions here.

Here’s a detailed section-wise NMAT 2015 analysis:

Quantitative Aptitude + Data Interpretation

Difficulty level: Moderate

The section had at least one question from each topic under QA and DI. “The topics covered include algebra, arithmetic, averages, coordinate geometry, geometry, modern maths, number system, percentage, profit and loss, ratio and proportion, time and distance, time and work,” informed Parasharan Chari, COO of Endeavor Careers.
“Apart from it, there was a good balance of questions between Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency. Overall, NMAT 2015 was a predictable paper. A correct attempt of 38 to 40 questions can be termed a good score,” said Girish Khare, academic head (Maths) at IMS.

Verbal Ability + Reading Comprehension

Difficulty level: Easy to moderate

This section bordered between easy to moderate and was quite similar to NMAT 2014 paper pattern. “Speed is important in Verbal section,” says Reema Sehgal, academic head (Verbal) at IMS. There were a total of four Parajumbles, two to three Reading Comprehensions of 350 word each with four questions. “A correct attempt of 24 questions can be termed a good score,” adds Sehgal.

Logical & Analytical Reasoning

Difficulty level: Easy to moderate

This section too had questions from almost every possible topic– arrangements, assumption based questions, blood relations, coding decoding, direction sense, puzzles, sequences & series, strengthening & weakening.

“The section was easy but due to the range of questions, it is better to rate it as moderate. Around 30 to 32 attempts with 90 % accuracy is a good score,” said Parasharan Chari.

NMAT 2015 will end on December 20, 2014. So far, no new deviation has been observed in NMAT paper pattern. Here are a few tips to fine-tune NMAT 2015 preparation strategy and revise NMAT syllabus.

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