Registrations for NMAT by GMAC exam reach all-time high

Registrations for NMAT by GMAC exam reach all-time high

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Updated on Oct 23, 2015 12:01 IST


More than 54,010 unique test takers registered for the NMAT by GMAC exam this year, surpassing last year’s registration of 46,950 — also marking an all-time high since its inception more than two decades ago, according to the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). Registration for the exam took place July 2 through October 19, 2015. GMAC acquired ownership of the exam from NMIMS University in March 2015 and rebranded it as NMAT by GMAC.

“When we assumed ownership of this exam, one goal was to encourage a more diverse group of candidates, including women and non-engineers, to apply to management education institutions in India,” said Sangeet Chowfla, CEO of GMAC. “This first NMAT by GMAC registration cycle demonstrates that we are helping to connect the talent and aspirations of these students with new opportunities at more schools.”

The success of this achievement has been attributed to three actions the company implemented since taking ownership of this exam, including developing prep material, securing partnerships with more schools in India, and adding new payment structures supported by aggressive marketing.

 As a result of introducing these exam features, GMAC observed an increase in the overall number of unique test takers who registered for the NMAT by GMAC exam. The application trends also suggest that these features have attracted MBA aspirants from both engineering (57%) and non-engineering (43%) backgrounds. In addition, women accounted for approximately 38% of all registrants, an increase over previous years.

  • Since taking over the NMAT by GMAC exam, NMIMS University and 15 additional institutions located in India now accept the NMAT by GMAC exam: Alliance University, Bangalore; Ansal University, Delhi NCR; ICFAI University, Hyderabad and other locations; Mody University, Rajasthan; BML Munjal University Delhi; Amity University, Delhi NCR; Shoolini University, Chandigarh; SRM University, Chennai; Thapar University, Chandigarh; VIT University, Vellore, Chennai; Woxsen School of Business, Hyderabad; Chitkara University, Punjab; University of Petroleum & Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun;  GITAM University, Hyderabad; and JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur.
  • GMAC provided significant value to students by giving them access to test preparation materials (The Official Guide for NMAT by GMAC Review 2015; NMATPrep by GMAC Online Practice Exam) that includes NMAT questions from previous years. By becoming the first test sponsor to produce preparation material in India, GMAC led the way in helping aspirants gain insight about the exam and acquaint them with the structure and pattern of test, thereby better preparing them for examination day.
  • GMAC also has offered an enhanced set of payment options (including net banking) compared to previous years, thereby making it easier and more convenient for test takers to pay for the exam. 


Commenting on the development, Ashok Sarathy, Vice President, Product Management, Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), said, “We are pleased with the rise in number of test registrants for NMAT by GMAC exam this year. This is extremely encouraging and testifies that our efforts of making the test more student friendly have been well received. We are constantly striving to innovate and add value to the test in order to make it even more relevant to schools and students in the Indian market. We hope that all the test takers are able to realize their career dreams with the help of NMAT by GMAC.”


Dr. Rajan Saxena, Vice Chancellor, NMIMS University, said, “NMAT has demonstrated strong growth after the test was acquired by GMAC earlier this year. Innovations such as the Official Test  Prep Guide, Online Sample Tests, Electronic & Secure score sending to programs of candidates’ choice and addressing new candidate segments, particularly women, besides unique features such as a long testing window and option to re-test make NMAT by GMAC the most candidate friendly Admission Test. And a strong positive candidate response has helped NMAT by GMAC reach new heights this year. We continue to remain committed to the MBA aspirants’ market and the quality schools that subscribe to the Test”

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