to Launch Global College Rankings for Study Abroad Aspirants to Launch Global College Rankings for Study Abroad Aspirants

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Updated on Sep 26, 2014 17:45 IST

With an aim to help study abroad aspirants get an idea about the ranking of different colleges of their choice, is ready to launch two types of college rankings – the global university ranking and the country and course specific rankings.

Besides ranking colleges according to different parameters, college ranking can be customised and filtered through specific requirements like fees, exams accepted for admission along with required scores, and average salary packages.

The global rankings will have the top universities of the world, where all the top universities are listed according to their ranks. The second types of rankings are course and country specific: MBA in UK, MBA in USA, MBA in World, Engineering in World and Engineering in UK.

The ranking pages will provide complete information about colleges like location, first year course fees, exams accepted like GRE, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL, and SAT, average salary package, and an option to download the college brochure. The rankings are specially fine-tuned to meet the needs of Indian students and are based on a combination of publicly available data, internal Shiksha algorithm and in-house expertise of the Shiksha team.

Keep an eye out for these rankings as they will be launched early next week! We will keep you updated about the launch. Like our Study Abroad page on Facebook to get regular updates.

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This account contains a repository of informative articles by external authors with domain expertise in various aspects of guiding students on how to go about pursuing their undergraduate and postgraduate studies in... Read Full Bio




digvijiay sharma

2014-09-29 16:40:13

Waste of time really given that THE and QS rankings for Universities are already global benchmarks. What are you guys smoking?

Reply to digvijiay sharma