SNAP 2013 Question Paper Analysis
By Parasharan Chari
SNAP 2013 was conducted on December 15, 2013. Here's a look at this year's question paper pattern. The two-hour test, held from 2pm to 4pm, had a total of 150 questions spread across three sections of 40 questions each, and one section of 30 questions.
Total Marks: 180
Marking: 1/4th negative marks.
Sectional Cut-offs: No
Section 1: Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension (40 questions of 1 mark each)
In terms of the traditional areas tested in the Verbal section, there were no surprises: RCs, vocabulary, grammar, the usual. The surprises lay in the slightly unfamiliar words and idioms that appeared. An average test taker would certainly be taken aback by a 'raise Cain' or a 'go to seed' or the interesting ' Which of the following is not a Palindrome?’ Of the two RCs, one with inferential questions demanded time. The 7-8 grammar questions were predictable areas and at best would slightly confuse when taken quickly. All in all, a moderate to difficult Verbal section and a net score of 24+ can be considered a good score.
Section 2: Logical Reasoning (30 questions of 2 mark each)
This section had its share of surprises as well with 4 questions of data interpretation, 3 questions of set theory entering the conventionally demarcated as the ‘analytical & logical reasoning section’. Apart from the above mentioned, the section tested conventional areas of reasoning with 6-7 questions of series and rest were from areas of arrangement, blood relation, direction, syllogism, odd one out, cube, clock etc. Questions of Data Interpretation were easy to moderate. A couple of questions of series were difficult to solve. The horizon was made broader with a question of sentence conclusion as well, all in all a section that went way beyond what it was meant for. This can however be rated moderate on difficulty level and an an attempt of 26+ questions can be considered a good one and a net score of 45+ a good score.
Section 3: Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation (40 questions of 1 mark each)
Majority questions of Quantitative Ability section were very easy. Except a set of 3 questions of Time and Distance, all questions were independent and from various aspects of Quant. Surprisingly time and work had an unusual share in the paper with nearly 6-7 questions, though almost all were easily manageable. Apart from these, questions from chapters like percentage, SICI, quadratic equation, ratio, mixtures were also asked. A couple of questions from Chapters of modern mathematics, like permutation and combination, progression, set theory were also asked. Geometry also had its usual share of 2-3 questions. Overall whole section was very smooth as most of the questions were not time consuming. Considering a huge number of sitters in the section, 34+ can be considered good attempts and 26+ a net good score.
Section 4: General Awareness Section (40 questions of 1 mark each)
This section had good varieties. Questions were based on science, business, politics, sports and geographical knowledge. An attempt of 24+ questions can be considered good and a net score of 14+ a good score.
Description |
Section 1 |
Section 2 |
Section 3 |
Section 4 |
Section |
Verbal Ability & Reading comprehension |
Logical Reasoning |
Quantitative Aptitude |
GK |
No. of questions |
40 |
30 |
40 |
40 |
Difficulty Level |
Moderate to Difficult |
Easy to Moderate |
Easy to Moderate |
Moderate |
Ideal Time |
32 min |
43 min |
35 min |
10 |
Good Score |
24+ |
45+ |
26+ |
14+ |
Cut-offs |
Score |
101+ |
94+ |
87+ |
83+ |
74+ |
68+ |
66+ |
58+ |
45+ |
50+ |
About the Author:
Parasharan Chari is an alumnus of SP Jain and is currently serving as the chief operating officer at Endeavor Careers and is also associated with the design and development of its online testing portal
Parasharan Chari is an alumnus of SP Jain and is currently serving as the chief operating officer at Endeavor Careers and is also associated with the design and development of its online testing portal
2013-12-18 11:36:04
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2013-12-17 01:01:49
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2013-12-18 20:56:12
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