What after CAT 2014: How to prepare for GD, PI and WAT?

What after CAT 2014: How to prepare for GD, PI and WAT?

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Updated on Nov 25, 2014 18:38 IST


CAT 2014 is over. Now begins the wait for the results. Almost 1.97 candidates registered for the exam.

The exam was conducted on November 16 and 22.View overall exam analysis. As we near CAT 2014 results, top MBA institutes across will issues the first shortlist of candidates. The shortlisted candidates have to undertake Group Discussion (GD), Personal Interviews (PI) and Written Ability Test (WAT).

This is the time when candidates have to start focusing on GD-PI preparation strategy along with appearing for various other MBA entrances like XAT, SNAP, IBSAT etc.

Here’s a quick guide to help you prepare for GD, PI and WAT rounds.




The objective of Written Ability Test is to understand the candidates’ structure of thoughts and presentation of views. Aspirants are mostly asked to write on current affairs, static topics/issues/problems or abstract topics. Top MBA institutes generally give 10 to 30 minutes to attempt WAT.

Here are some points to prepare for written skill assessment tests:

  1. Start reading opinion pieces and editorials on current affairs in newspapers, magazines and online publications.
  2. Focus on the writing part. WAT looks for your opinion, how well you present your point of view and organisation of thoughts. WAT does not test a candidates’ writing skills, looks for basic grammatical skills.
  3. An essay consists of three parts: Introduction (first para), Subject-matter (middle paragraphs consisting of background, main argument), and Conclusion (final para). Keep it concise with relevant information.
  4. Also, try to finish essays within the stipulated period. For example, if an institute allots 15 minutes for WAT, finishing the essay in 12 minutes while practicing.




During GD, a group of candidates discuss a topic while presenting their point of views for in a short period of time.

“For GD, you must have good general knowledge, communication skill and ability to put forward your view point precisely and emphatically. The current topics of social, political, business and international importance should be known to you. If you are a regular newspaper reader, then it should not pose great difficulty. On the day of GD, be relaxed and composed, wait for your turn and do not get perturbed,” says Shiksha Expert Deblina Banerjee.

In GDs, expressing knowledge without showing aggression is important. Good communication skills is also somewhat essential to do well in GD. Here are some points to prepare for GD:

  1. Brush up GK and current affairs.
  2. Express your opinion without being aggressive.
  3. Be a good listener and speaker.
  4. Be prepared for counter-arguments and accept it gracefully.
  5. Good communication skills and confidence is important.




A personal Interview (PI) is essentially a two-way discussion between the interview panel and the aspirant. The objective of PI is to engage the MBA aspirant in discussion and evaluate their analytical skills, clarity of thoughts, future goals and communication skills. Some of the common questions asked in a PI are ‘Why MBA?’ or ‘Why do you want to join this institute?’ and so on.

Here are some tips while preparing for PI:

  • Know yourself and CV well. Don’t make unnecessary claims that you cannot substantiate in the interview later.
  • Read up the latest current affairs and topics; develop your own opinion.  
  • Be confident about what you say in front of the panellists.

Click here to read tips to crack PI.


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