CET for PG medical may go online

CET for PG medical may go online

1 min read531 Views 2 Comments
Updated on May 7, 2012 04:12 IST

The National Board of Examination (NBE) which conducts the Common Entrance Test (CET) for PG medical students, is looking to follow the online test format, like the IIM did three years ago.


NBE has forwarded the proposal for the new format to the Union health ministry as the board wants a smooth start from the next academic year. A senior official at the ministry affirms that the NBE has undertaken detailed planning, reported The Asian Age. 


The health ministry had approached the NBE to conduct the CET for PG students as the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) had expressed its inability to hold the exams due to shortage of man-power. The Medical Council of India (MCI) had earlier approached AIIMS for conducting the CET; however the institute has expressed reluctance in holding the exam for the whole country.


Out of the 60,000 students who appear every year for various PG medical examinations, entrance for almost half of the government seats, around 4,000 seats, is conducted by AIIMS; the rest of the seats are taken care of by private colleges. However, from this session, there is going to be a single CET for the PG students.


According to the news report, NBE has also proposed to the ministry that they should be given the authority to set the question paper. NBE officials expect complete freedom in conducting the test to prevent any sort of leakages. The ministry is expected to give its verdict and assign specific roles and responsibilities in a meeting today with officials of Medical Council of India (MCI). CBSE and AIIMS might also be present for the discussion.


The proposed system will provide a window of 10 days where students can choose a particular date as per their convenience. Nevertheless, the tests will be held in a particular centre and the board will also use biometric identification system besides invigilators and CCTVs at the center.


The IIMs didn't have a smooth run in their initial attempt to adopt the online test format. Will NBE be able to make its online test debut without glitches?


Other interesting reads:

- Your career after studying Doctorate of Medicine (MD)

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This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio




Ningombam Biswamitra

2012-05-18 09:57:41

Thank you for your comment Prof. Gupta.

Reply to Ningombam Biswamitra

prof NK Gupta

2012-05-17 19:22:29

Video record of exam be put on web, send answers at Email to check with correct answers by student as right or wrong.Advantage of online -to minimise wrong doings - select any set and next question is decided by answer to check thorough knowledge.Hope all goes well in corrupt country

Reply to prof NK Gupta

prof NK Gupta

2012-05-19 00:58:53

honesty, sincerity and transparency is need of hour at present in our downgraded country, very sad and shameful situation.Recently JEE did it, put correct answers and students answers and one has patience - can calculate his/her place from those sheets. Kudos to JEE


2012-05-18 09:56:35

yes we have to hope for the best. Online mode will prove better if we maintain the proper ethics and if it goes without major technical glitches.