How is Allopathy different from Homeopathy?

How is Allopathy different from Homeopathy?

4 mins read9.5K Views 3 Comments
Updated on May 22, 2020 17:39 IST

By Nitya Gupta

Allopathic medicine or Allopathy, also known as modern medicine, suppresses the symptoms of any disease by attacking the natural defence of the body. Homoeopathic, whereas embraces the natural defence system of the body and helps in curing the root cause of the disease. 

Medicine, derived from the Latin words 'ars medicina' means the art of healing. If truth be told, they are an essential part of our lives and is considered as one of the most critical necessities to all of us. Therefore, it becomes very crucial to know our medicines. Broadly, medical science has two fields, namely, Allopathy and Homeopathy.

Allopathic Medicines

A German physician, Samuel Hahnemann, coined the term Allopathy. Allopathic practitioners follow their self-devised set restriction of focusing on the symptom and not the cause. The approach is to treat the illness and not the root cause. When a person becomes ill, drugs are used by doctors to treat the condition and symptoms. 

Allopathic medicine theory follows the philosophy of 'The Four Humors'. This theory states: an imbalance of the four humors (blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile) along with four bodily conditions (hot, cold, wet and dry) related to the four elements (earth, air, fire and water) is the root cause of all the diseases. 

Taking into account the side effects caused by allopathic medicines, it is advisable to understand various alternatives approach and choose the best option for curing the ailment. 

Homoeopathic Medicines

Homoeopathy medicine system dates back to 200 years and observes that high doses of the pharmacologically activated substance can cause symptoms when administered to a healthy individual. The same elements, when developed in diluted form, can in turn help in alleviating the similar symptoms in conditions resulting from different etiologies. The three main principles upon which homoeopathic remedies function are: 'like cures like', 'minimal dose', 'the single remedy'. One of the relevant observations in the homoeopathic field is that it does not fight germs, but intensify the immune system to fight the cause of the disease. Along with strengthening the immune system, homoeopathy stimulates the psychological, emotional and physical well-being of the subject, which can sometimes prove to be a vital part of the healing process. 

Differences between Allopathy and Homoeopathy

Allopathy field considers having a purely scientific basis based on the belief that "the cure is something other than the cause". Homoeopathy field, on the other hand, is based on the precept "source which causes a symptom will also cure it". The main aim of both Allopathy and Homoeopathy is to eliminate the root cause of illness. The path where they part ways is: Allopathic treatment shows effect almost instantaneously but comes with its share of side effects while homoeopathic treatment heals with ease but takes its fair share of time. Every individual has a distinctive response to each treatment and, this uniqueness in symptoms and reaction time brings out the difference in the remedy prescribed to every person. 

Treatment Difference between Allopathy and Homoeopathy

In allopath, the concept to treat diseases is through the use of drugs, while in homoeopath, the objective is to bring out about a change in the human body to make it respond in a better way and to get the system right in place. 

Allopath targets towards treating the particularly affected organ of the body but, it does so with the risk of possible side effects and spreading the infection to the other parts of the body. Homoeopathy, on the other hand, is considered perfectly safe as it does not hamper with other body parts in any way. Instead, it helps in examining the past ailments along with the new developments in the body. Regular and proper monitoring of the dosage helps in ensuring this. 

Difference between Doctors in Allopathy and Homoeopathy

Because of the side effect generating property of allopathic medicine, the name of a double-edged sword can easily be given to it. Allopathic doctors rely heavily on the drugs produced by pharmaceuticals companies. These medicines are mainly biological chemically-based manufactured through machines. Homoeopathic doctors believe that an imbalance in emotional and psychological stress causes the body to become more susceptible to diseases. They attempt to cure these breaches in the immune system with the help of the smallest required dose of medicine. 

The debate of Allopathy v/s Homoeopathy is never-ending. Several discoveries are bound to happen in the future in both the fields, which somewhat makes them hard to compare. However, like the two sides of a coin, they complement and contrast each other in every aspect. Homoeopathic and Allopathic medicines continue to potentially impact the attainment of health in society as a whole. Both approaches have their unique characteristics concerning treatment time, dosage quantities, side effects, etc. but they have their importance and have done many miracles and will continue to save many lives in the future. 

About the Author:

NEET 2020: Solve previous years’ question papers to crack the exam

Nitya Gupta is a second-year student at Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. She is pursuing Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery.

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KA Renaissance

2 years ago

Please continue, I agree with you. It is great you have the oportunity to use both medicines.

Reply to KA Renaissance

If it’s so well mannered then why America has banned homeopathic medicine and y don’t there is any hard core research going on . Because it’s baseless

Reply to Moomin ibn Mushtaq


Meezan rizvi

3 years ago

Trash article. I am sorry but you are really misinformed.

Reply to Meezan rizvi