Want to pursue distance Homeopathy course? Read this

Want to pursue distance Homeopathy course? Read this

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Updated on Aug 30, 2019 16:21 IST

The objective of the Homeopathy correspondence course is to acquaint the candidate with all the detailed treatment procedures of homeopathy. The programme provides guidance to diagnose the ailment, how to prepare and use the medicine, how to repeat the medicine and what is the outcome of the medicine.

Homeopathy is popular worldwide as alternative medicine. Originated in 1796 by Sir Samuel Hahnemann as a new method of treatment using the principle ‘Like Cures Like’, the concept of this form of medicine is to find out the root cause of an ailment and cure it by eliminating the cause. That is why Homeopathy treatment is known to take longer time than Allopathy to cure an ailment. The homeopathic medicines are usually prepared from natural substances such as plants, herbs, minerals and animal sources. The homeopathic doctors use a little amount of these natural ingredients diluted in alcohol or distilled water to prepare the medicines. These medicines are devoid of any side effects. Homeopathy treatment works well in case of certain chronic and acute diseases.

If this form of medicine interests you, it can be studied across various medical colleges in India in a regular or a distance mode. In this article, we assess the Homeopathy course offered by the School of Health Sciences of the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for distance learning students.

Objective of distance Homeopathy course

The objective of the Homeopathy correspondence course is to acquaint the candidate with all the detailed treatment procedures of this form of medicine. The programme provides guidance to diagnose the ailment, how to prepare and use the medicine, how to repeat the medicine and what is the outcome of the medicine. In certain cases, the symptoms aggravate after applying for the medicine at first and then the recovery procedure starts. The students also gain knowledge of this fact so that they can explain this to the patients and gain their trust. To sum up, this programme is structured to prepare the candidates with adequate knowledge of Homeopathy treatment so that they can start practicing it successfully.

Eligibility criteria

To pursue Homeopathy course in distance mode the candidates must hold a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree.

Admission procedure

To enroll in the Homeopathy correspondence course, the candidates are required to fill ‘inquiry form’ first. After filling up this form, the candidates will receive a mail requesting them to appear for counseling and clearing all the doubts regarding the course. If they are satisfied with the counseling procedure and gather adequate knowledge about the course they could opt for filling up the admission form. The candidates need to upload personal details such as name, address, phone number, educational qualification, identity proof, etc. They also have to upload their photograph and signature in the prescribed box. After submitting this application/registration form, they will receive an acknowledgment mail with details of fee payment. The fee has can be paid online using credit/debit cards or in the designated bank. However, the candidates would have to make the payment of fee within seven days of registration. The candidates will receive the course materials within 15-20 days of registration.

Fees for different distance Homeopathy courses

The fee structure for different Homeopathy programmes is as follows:

Name of the Course

Fees to be paid by Indian students (in Rs)

Fees to be paid by international students (in US$)

Certificate course (3 months)



Postgraduate diploma programme (1 year)



Fast-track PG diploma (4 months)



Course content

The Homeopathy course in distant mode is conducted through four modules. Each module is divided into certain units. The course content aims at imparting basic knowledge about homeopathy and the remedy of certain ailments. In the second module, the candidates acquired knowledge of the Homeopathy handbook Materia Medica. Here we have tabularised the course contents of module 1 and 2.

Module 1

Module 2

Unit 1- Video Introduction

Unit 1- Video Introduction

Unit 2- what is Homeopathy

Unit 2- Aconite

Unit 3- Philosophy of Homeopathy

Unit 3- Arnica

Unit 4- Usage of Homeopathy

Unit 4- Arsenic Album

Unit 5- Research evidence in support of Homeopathy

Unit 5- Belladonna

Unit 6- Difference between Homeopathy and allopathic treatment

Unit 6- Bryonia

Unit 7- Types of illness to be treated under Homeopathy

Unit 7- Calcarea Carbonica

Unit 8- How safe is Homeopathy

Unit 8- Calendula

Unit 9- the process of using Homeopathy medicine

Unit 9- Carbo veg

Unit 10- Selection procedure of Homeopathic medicine

Unit 10- Chamomilla

Unit 11- Individualization

Unit 11- Colocynth

Unit 12- Health

Unit 12- Hypericum

Unit 13- Sources of Homeopathic medicine

Unit 13- Ignatia

Unit 14- Process of preparing the medicine

Unit 14- Lachesis


Unit 15- Functioning of Homeopathic medicine

Unit 15- Nux Vomica

Unit 16- Myths surrounding homeopathy

Unit 16- Pulsatilla

Unit 17- Organon of medicine

Unit 17- Rhus Tox


Unit 18- Symphytum


Unit 19-  Thuja

The third module deals with various types of questions while the fourth introduces candidates with the resources of further study.

Examination pattern

At the end of the course, an examination is conducted to test the knowledge of the candidates. This is an online examination. The candidates will get seven days to sit for the examination. To appear for the examination online, the candidates will receive an ID and password. In this examination, generally Multiple Choice questions (MCQ) are asked. The students are required to submit a power-point project consisting of 30 pages on any topic of their choice.

The students are issued Degree certificates and transcription certificates if they qualify in the examination.

So, after receiving a certificate from a recognised institute, candidates can start practice. With years of practice, they will accumulate experience and their average income will increase, too.

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This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio




Whether the certificate course of three months will be a legal permission to treat for family and friends without charging any fees.?



Anjali Gupta

a year ago

I am 45 years old art graduate female i want to do homeopathy course is that possible for me?

Reply to Anjali Gupta

I want to take a degree for registration for homeopathic practice.like diploma

Reply to Arvind prakash pandey


James Devassy

3 years ago

I need a homeo online courses. i would like to open a homeo medical store.kindly help with any course.

Reply to James Devassy

I'm very much experienced in homoeopathic system of treatment since1985.Having certificate of non recognized institution.But now I want a valid certificate.please advise.im 60 years old

Reply to Pradip kumar veda sarma