What is the difference between Ayurveda and Homeopathy?
By Abhyuday Joshi
Two of the most prominent kind of alternative medicines are Ayurveda and Homeopathy. In this article, we draw a contrast between the two, which can help one in deciding which is well-suited for their condition.
In today’s bustling world, filled with endless deadlines and targets, often people neglect their health and wellness. This leads to ailments, disrupting normal life flow. In demanding situations like these, being well-versed with various types of medical treatment becomes imperative. It is worth noticing that every person reacts differently to different types of treatments, based on factors like symptoms and genetics. Owing to advances in medical sciences, one has a plethora of options for medical treatments to choose from. Since a long time back, allopathic medicines are widely used for medical treatments, due to its short duration course. Although effective, allopathic medicines can lead to severe side effects; sometimes giving birth to an altogether different disease. Due to this, people are now inching more towards alternative medicines. Two of the most prominent kind of alternative medicines are Ayurveda and Homeopathy. In this article, we draw a contrast between the two, which can help one in deciding which one is well-suited for their condition.
Ayurveda translates in English to “The science of life”. Ayurvedic techniques took birth in India, around 5000 years back. Its roots run back to the Vedic period and it was preached by masters to their students for many years. Ayurveda believes in the age-old saying that “prevention is better than cure”. It promotes the prevention of diseases by maintaining a balance between body, mind, and consciousness. The process of achieving this balance is personalized for every individual, in accordance with their inner make-up. If this balance is disturbed, one might fall prey to diseases. Identifying the internal and external factors that disrupt the balance goes a long way in restoring health and wellness. Ayurveda claims that three types of energies, collectively termed as the doshas are present in every individual. Doshas comprise of Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. Vatta represents movement and activity, Pitta represents digestion and metabolism, Kapha represents the formation of bones and lubrication. Imbalance of these doshas leads to diseases. Ayurveda believes that these doshas are the manifestation of our internal and external environment. Thus by making amendments in our lifestyle and eating habits, we can restore these doshas in a way that is conducive to good health.
Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine and was developed by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. In literal terms, Homeopathy means “similar suffering”. It is based on the principle that a substance that results in symptoms in a healthy person, when administered in a dilute portion can heal people showing similar symptoms. Three guiding principles of homeopathic medicines are: ‘like cures like’, the minimum dose, and the single remedy. During treatment, the focus is on the entirety of the person rather than only the affected part. The homeopathic doctor maps the ‘drug picture’ of the homeopathic remedy to the patient’s characteristic ‘symptom picture’. Conclusively, homeopathic practices aim to restore the mental, physical, and emotional state of the patient which is beneficial for the healing process.
How are Ayurveda & Homeopathy Different?
Ayurveda is based on the ideology that of balance between Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha is pertinent and its imbalance leads to diseases. While Homeopathy supports the ‘vital force’ ideology. It states that various external and internal causes result in an imbalance of the "vital force" which can lead to health problems
While Ayurveda emphasizes on prevention of diseases, Homeopathy facilitates the cure of the disease by activating the immune system through exposure to the symptom causing substance and further making the body resilient to the disease.
Ayurvedic medicines are made up of herbs, vegetable drugs, and minerals. Following its principles, Ayurvedic treatments establish the balance of doshas through lifestyle changes, dietary controls, and exercise. Sometimes treatments might include detoxification, herbal medicines, and oil massages.
Homeopathic treatments are based on what we call potentization and the principle of minimum dose. The medicines are prepared through a series of dilution of various parts of plants, vegetables, synthetic materials. Each dilution is followed by vigorous shaking, till the original substance is indistinguishable. Thus the dose and consequently the side effects are minimized, while the medicine becomes more potent and effective.
Why are Ayurveda & Homeopathy Criticised?
Both Ayurveda and Homeopathy being alternative medicines have received criticism worldwide. Ayurvedic treatment has come under scrutiny owing to the insufficiency of evidence proving the effectiveness of the drugs. Some of the herbs and minerals used in Ayurvedic medicines might be toxic to human beings. As homeopathic medicines that are used for treatment are highly diluted, there is no trace of the original substance left in the dilution. Thus any improvement in the patient’s condition is ascribed to the placebo effect.
Ayurveda VS Homeopathy makes up for an interesting point of discussion. Both of them provide an alternative course of treatment from the disastrous side effects of allopathic treatments. Ayurveda and Homeopathy, rather than just treating the illness, dives deeper into the health and well-being of the body. Albeit the criticism of their credibility, Ayurvedic and homeopathic practices are adopted worldwide, successfully treating many patients.
About the Author:
Abhyuday Joshi is a BAMS 3rd-year student at Patanjali Ayurvedic Medical College, Haridwar. He enjoys writing, singing and dancing in his free time.
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