Dr Sidharth Dahiya, Deputy Registrar of RGNUL distributed the medals and trophies of the ‘Zelus’ Sports Fest-2023. NLU Jodhpur bagged the award for the best contingent with the highest medals. Army Institute of Law, Mohali and School of Law, UPES, Dehradun bagged the second and third-best contingent awards respectively.
Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab organised the fourth edition of its annual sports fest ‘Zelus’ from March 2 to March 6, 2023. Over 600 students participated in the event from all across India. Competitions were held in 32 sports and athletic events which included football, basketball, volleyball, cricket, table tennis, lawn tennis, badminton, weightlifting, track races, arm wrestling, shot put, electronic sports etc.
Dr Sidharth Dahiya, Deputy Registrar of RGNUL awarded winners with respective medals and trophies. NLU Jodhpur bagged the award for the best contingent with the highest medals. Army Institute of Law, Mohali and School of Law, UPES, Dehradun bagged the second and third-best contingent awards respectively.
The inaugural event was graced by Mr Mir Ranjan Negi, Former Field Hockey Player and National Coach. He had trained the women's hockey team which won a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games in 2002.
While sharing his personal and professional experiences, Mr Negi said, "Sports teaches us invaluable life lessons. From persistence to teamwork, there are numerous perks of playing sports. Nothing good ever comes easy and the road to success is a long one. You should develop courage and self-confidence to fight with your challenges and should never give up."
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Pallavi is a versatile writer with around eight years of experience in digital content. She has written content for both Indian and International publications and has a solid background in journalism and communicati... Read Full Bio