Earlier, the government of Uttar Pradesh had announced a holiday for schools in Biijnor and Badaun due to the cold wave and closed schools to ensure the safety of students. In Bijnor, the schools were closed for students till Class 8.
UP School shut amid cold waves! Uttar Pradesh Schools will be closed in Meerut for all classes due to the cold wave. According to an official order issued by the District Magistrate of Meerut, schools will remain closed for students of all classes until January 1, 2023. The official order was issued today December 26, 2022.
The official notice states that schools in Meerut will remain closed for students of Classes 1 to 12 till January 1, 2023. The decision on closing of schools has been taken due to the intense cold weather and ongoing cold wave being witnessed in Delhi - NCR regions, especially Uttar Pradesh.
"In view of cold wave conditions, schools in Meerut to remain closed for all classes till January 1: Meerut DM," read a tweet by news agency ANI.
Earlier, the government of Uttar Pradesh had announced a holiday for schools in Biijnor and Badaun due to the cold wave and closed schools to ensure the safety of students. In Bijnor, the schools were closed for students till Class 8.
School timings changed for senior classes
Meanwhile, the authorities have changed the school timings for senior classes. For students in Classes 9 to 12, the school timings were changed to 10 AM to 3 PM. In Badaun, schools have been closed for students of all classes till December 28, 2022. In Lucknow, Ghaziabad and Noida districts of Uttar Pradesh, school timings have been changed for students from all classes.
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