TNPSC Group II Result 2017-18 declared for Phase V

TNPSC Group II Result 2017-18 declared for Phase V

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Rachit Kumar
Rachit Kumar Saxena
Updated on Oct 21, 2019 18:39 IST

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission declared the TNPSC Group II Result (2017-18). Read here the details related to the document verifcation dates.


Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has declared the result of Combined Competitive Exam Group II (Non-Interview posts) 2017-18 for Phase V. The result was declared on the official website in the pdf format. The result is declared for the one unfilled vacancy of Assistant in the Finance Department. Against the one unfilled vacancy, five candidates have been called for the document verification.

The date of original document verification is October 29, 2019, at the Commissions office in Chennai. It is specifically mentioned in the result notice that no candidate will be informed by post and all the communication with the candidates will be done through an official notice at the TNPSC official website, SMS and email.

The candidates are requested to download their notice for admission to certificate verification/counselling from the official website and should come with all the relevant certificates. It is also clearly mentioned in the result notice that “Candidates who have failed to attend certificate verification and counselling in the Scheduled Date/time will not be considered for the next stage of selection”.

The TNPSC Group II written exam was conducted on August 6, 2017, across the state at various exam centres. Around 15 lakh candidates appeared in the exam. The TNPSC Combined Competitive Group II Exam is conducted for two group of posts. One group required interview and others are non-interview posts. This exam was conducted for the 1953 vacancies of non-interview posts. Later with a notice, 83 more vacancies were added to this notification. So the total number of vacancies notified under this notification is 2036(1953+83). The TNPSC Combined Competitive Group II exam 2017-18 was notified on April 27, 2017.

About the Author
Rachit Kumar Saxena

With over thirteen years of experience in the government exam and its preparation domain, Rachit knows the life cycle of almost all government exams and related information. He deeply understands the user requiremen... Read Full Bio