What is the difference between NET and SET?

What is the difference between NET and SET?

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Updated on Mar 3, 2023 12:13 IST

NET and SET exams are conducted every year to determine the eligibility of candidates for the assistant professor or lecturer posts. However, there are a few differences and similarities between the NET and SET exams. Read further to know what is the NET exam and SET exam and how are they different from each other.


Difference Between NET & SET Exams

NET and SET exams are organised every year for the candidates who are looking forward to gaining eligibility as Assistant Professors or lecturers. While the National Eligibility Test (NET) is conducted at the national level to determine the eligibility of candidates as Assistant Professors or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in universities and colleges in India, the State Eligibility Test (SET) is conducted at the state level for determining the eligibility for the post of Assistant Professor in the respective state universities/colleges. 

Though NET and SET exams are conducted for almost the same purposes, there are a few differences between these exams. Candidates often get confused about these two exams while making a choice. For the ease of candidates, we have shared below the key differences and similarities between the NET 2023 and SET 2023 exams. Hope these points will help candidates in clearing away their doubts regarding the exams, if any.

Q:   What is the difference between CSIR-NET, and UGC-NET?

The difference between CSIR NET and UGC NET is 1- The exam Conducting body: CSIR NET Exam: Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) UGC NET Exam: National Testing University (NTA) 2- Exam Subjects: The CSIR NET exam is conducted in 5 Science subjects, whereas the UGC NET is conducted for 84 subjects including Arts, Commerce, Computer Science and Application, Electronic Science, and Humanities including all languages. 3- Exam Pattern: UGC NET exam pattern: Paper 1: Total no of ques:50 and total marks: 100 Paper 2: Total no of ques:100 and total marks: 200 CSIR NET exam pattern: Part A: Total Marks-30; No. Of questions-20; 2 Marks for each correct question; 0.5 marks cut for every wrong answer. Part B: Total Marks-70; No. Of questions-25-50; 2-3.5 (subject-wise) Marks for each correct question; 0.5-0.875 (subject-wise) marks cut for every wrong answer. Part C: Total Marks-100; No. Of questions-35-70; 4-5 (subject-wise) Marks for each correct question; 1-1.32 (subject-wise) marks cut for every wrong answer. 4- Mode of Examination: CSIR NET is conducted offline whereas, the UGC NET exam will be conducted online (CBT). 5- Eligibility Criteria: For UGC NET Students must pass with a min of 55 percent marks (General category) and 50 percent marks (SC/ST/PwD) in Master's Degree or equivalent from universities/institutions recognised by UGC. For CSIR NET Students must pass with a min of 55 percent marks (General category) and 50 percent marks (SC/ST/PwD) in M.Sc. , BS-4 Years, Integrated BS-M, BE/B.Tech, MBBS B.Pharma. 6- Age limit: For UGC NET Upper Age Limit is 31 years for JRF whereas, CSIE NET Upper Age Limit is 28 years for JRF. There is no age limit for Assistant Professor for both the exams.

Q:   Can I change my CSIR NET exam centre?

The CSIR NET exam center once allotted cannot be changed. Therefore, it is important to carefully choose your preferred exam center at the time of filling out the application form. However, if there are compelling reasons such as a medical emergency or a natural calamity, you may contact the CSIR authorities and request a change in the exam center. In such cases, the CSIR authorities may consider your request based on the availability of seats and other factors. It is always advisable to choose an exam center that is convenient for you and closer to your place of residence. This can help you avoid any last-minute rush or inconvenience on the day of the exam.

Q:   What are the major differences between CSIR NET and UGC NET?

CSIR NET and NET both the conduct for the same post but there are some differences you need to know to prepare for the exam and clear the exam with good marks. 1. Convener Body: CSIR NET and UGC NET both are conducted by National Test Agency NTA 2. Subjects: CSIR NET deals in 5 subjects whereas UGC NET covers 81 subjects. 3. Who can apply? CSIR NET conduct for students of the Science stream, whereas UGC NET conduct for arts and Humanities students. 4. Eligibility Criteria Qualification-CSIR NET students require to score for 55% (GEN & OBC) and 50 % (SC/ST/PWD/) and UGC NET 55% (GEN & EWS) and 50% (OBC/SC/ST/PWD/Transgender) Age limit-Under CSIR NET age limit for JRF is Not more than 28 and for Assistant Professor- no limit Under UGC NET for JRF Not more than 31 and for Assistant Professor- no limit 5. Exam Mode Both the exam conduct online. 6. Total marks CSIR NET consists of 200 marks whereas UGC NET consists of 300 marks 7. Who qualified? Under CSIR NET candidates with 33% (avg. Of both the papers) and under UGC NET score 40% (avg. Of both the papers) Note: There is no negative marking in both exams, Duration of the exams is 3 hours. I hope the above differences helps you to distinguish between both the exam and prepare accordingly.

Difference Between NET and SET Exams

Have a look at the major differences between the NET and SET exams below in terms of exam conducting bodies, syllabus, exam pattern, eligibility criteria and others:

What is NET & SET?

NET or National Eligibility Test is conducted at the national level by the national-level bodies to determine the eligibility of candidates for Assistant Professor or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) or both. Following NET exams are conducted every year in India:

Upcoming Sarkari Exam Dates

IAS 2025 Application Dates

22 Jan '25 - 11 Feb '25

SBI PO 2025 Prelims Admit Card

20 Feb '25 - 28 Feb '25

ASRB NET Application Form 2025

28 Feb '25

CSIR NET December Session Exam 2024

28 Feb '25 - 2 Mar '25

TS SET 2025 Application Form

30 Apr '25

SSC CPO application form 2025

16 May '25 - 14 Jun '25

IBPS PO 2025 application form

15 Jul '25

IBPS RRB PO 2025 Prelims Exam

27 Jul '25

SSC JHT Notification 2025

26 Aug '25 - 13 Sep '25

SET or State Eligibly Test is conducted at the state level by various state-controlled bodies of various states. Presently, there are few states that conduct their own SET exams, check the list below.

Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test (APSET)

Assam State Level Eligibility Test (Assam SLET)

Chhattisgarh State Eligibility Test (CG SET)

Gujarat State Eligibility Test (GSET)

Himachal Pradesh State Eligibility Test (HP SET)

Jammu & Kashmir State Eligibility Test (JK SET)

Kerala State Eligibility Test (Kerala SET)

Karnataka State Eligibility Test (KSET)

Madhya Pradesh State Eligibility Test (MP SET)

Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (MH SET)/ UNIPUNE SET

Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test (TNSET)

Telangana State Eligibility Test (TSSET)

Uttarakhand State Eligibility Test (USET)

West Bengal State Eligibility Test (WB SET)

Rajasthan State Eligibility Test (RSET)

NET & SET Exam Conducting Bodies

The NET and SET exams are conducted by different bodies. The NET 2023 exam is conducted by the national-level bodies and the SET 2023 exam is conducted by the respective state-level body. Have a look at the exam conducting bodies of a few exams below:

Q:   Are MH SET mock tests tougher than MH SET exam?


The MH SET mock tests are moderately difficult which is best suitable for the preparation of the MH SET exam as the difficulty level of the MH SET exam is moderately difficult in nature. The mock test with the same level of difficulty can help the candidates securing good marks and understand the types of question asked in the exam. However, it is advised to the candidates that they should solve tougher mock tests to be prepared for the changes because there are no certain pattern of questions that are repeated in the MH SET exam. Being ready for the MH SET exam with tougher question will help the candidates to secure higher marks in the exam.

Q:   Are UGC NET mock tests tougher than UGC NET exam?

The UGC NET mock tests are moderately difficult which is best suitable for the preparation of the UGC NTE exam as the difficulty level of the UGC NET exam is moderately difficult in nature. The mock test with the same level of difficulty can help the candidates securing good marks and understand the types of question asked in the exam. However, it is advised to the candidates that they should solve tougher mock tests to be prepared for the changes because there are no certain pattern of questions that are repeated in the UGC NET exam. Being ready for the UGC NET exam with tougher question will help the candidates to secure higher marks in the exam.

Q:   Can I change my APSET exam centre?


Once the APSET exam centre is allotted, candidates cannot ask the University to change it. Candidates should carefully select the preferred APSET exam centre while filling out the online application form and should ensure that they are available to appear for the exam at the allotted exam centre. Candidates should regularly visit the official website of APSET exam for any updates on the exam centre.

Exam Name

Exam Level

Exam Coonducting Body



National Testing Agency (NTA)



National Testing Agency (NTA)



Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB)



Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)



Karnataka State Eligibility Test Center, University of Mysore



Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam

Frequency of NET & SET Exams

Another difference between the NET and SET exams is the frequency, that is, how many times the exam is conducted in a year. While UGC NET and CISR NET exams are conducted twice a year, ASRB NET is conducted only once a year. On the other hand, SET exams are generally conducted once a year, except the Kerala SET exam which is conducted twice every year. 

Applicability of NET & SET

Apart from these differences, one of the major differences between the SET and NET exams is the applicability. Candidates who qualify for the UGC NET, CSIR NET and ASRB NET exams become eligible to apply for the posts of lecturers or professors or researchers in any university or college at the national level. NET-qualified candidates can also apply to state-level institutions. On the other hand, SET-qualified candidates can apply for the assistant professor or lecturer posts in the respective state-owned institutions only.

NET vs SET – Eligibility Criteria

If we look at the eligibility criteria for NET and SET, there are a lot of similarities in the posts for which the eligibility test is being conducted. Have a look at the basic eligibility criteria below.

UGC NET Eligibility

CISR NET Eligibility

ASRB NET Eligibility

SET Eligibility

Master’s degree in any of the UGC NET subjects) with 55 per cent (for General Candidates) or 50 per cent (for ST/SC/PWD/OBC/ Transgenders) marks.

Master’s degree with a minimum of 55 per cent (for General Candidates) or 50 per cent (for ST/SC/PWD/OBC/) marks from the recognized university.

Master’s degree or equivalent in the same discipline for which the candidate will apply.

Candidates who have secured at least 55 per cent marks in their Master’s Degree and belong to any UGC accredited Universities/Institutions are eligible for the test.

There is no age limit for the lectureship, while the maximum age limit for JRF is 30 years.

There is no age limit for the lectureship, while the maximum age limit for JRF is 28 years.

There is no age limit.

There is no age limit.

NET vs SET- Exam Pattern

Have a look at the difference between the NET and SET exam patterns below.





UGC NET comprises two papers (Paper 1 and Paper 2) in a single three-hour duration.

CSIR NET Exam consists of three different sections (Part – A, Part – B, and Part- C) in a single paper, total duration is 3 hours.

ASRB NET is conducted in a single paper that includes 150 objective-type multiple-choice questions. The total time duration is 2 hours

SET exams are also conducted for two papers (Paper 1 and Paper 2). It may happen in a single 3 hours duration or on the same day in two different sessions.

Paper I carries 100 marks and Paper 2 carries 200 marks.

It is conducted for a total of 200 marks.

The marking scheme is different for each subject.

The exam comprises 150 marks.

The paper consists of 150 objective-type questions with 300 marks.

There is no negative marking.

Negative marking is different for each subject.

There is a negative marking for each wrong answer.

There is no negative marking.

NET exams are conducted in English and Hindi both, while SET exam question papers are available in vernaculars as well. 

Also Read:

UGC NET exam pattern CSIR NET exam pattern ASRB NET exam pattern
KSET exam pattern MH SET exam pattern APSET exam pattern

NET vs SET - Syllabus

UGC NET is conducted for a total of 82 subjects. This exam is for the arts, humanities, and management post-graduates. CSIR NET exam is conducted for the science stream candidates who want to become JRF and assistant professors in colleges/universities. SET exams are conducted in various streams and comprise several subjects. Each SET exam has its own syllabus.

Candidates can refer to the syllabus of the following exams.

UGC NET syllabus CSIR NET syllabus ASRB NET syllabus
MH SET syllabus WB SET syllabus Kerala SET syllabus

Both NET and SET exams are important for aspirants wanting to become assistant professors or lecturers. What many candidates feel is NET exams are more competitive in nature than SET. The main advantage for the aspirants is the similarities in the syllabus and pattern of NET and SET exams; preparation for both exams can go hand in hand.

Read More: 


Q. Which is better NET or SET exam?

A. Both NET and SET are important for aspirants who are aiming for lectureship and Junior Research Fellowship. However,  NET is considered difficult compared to SET. Therefore, candidates preparing for NET can also appear for SET. Additionally, this depends on the choice of candidates.

Q. Is SET equivalent to NET?

A. University Grant Commission (UGC) conducts two types of entrance exams: NET and SET. NET is conducted at the national level, and SET is for the state level.  NET & SET Exams are conducted for the same purpose, but these exams have some differences.

Q. Is NET is tough than SET?

A. The UGC NET Exams are comparatively more difficult than the SET Exams conducted by the State Governments. But the candidates appearing for UGC NET can also appear for SET Exams.
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Sneha Kumbhare

2 years ago

I want fell details of maharashtra set exam

Reply to Sneha Kumbhare



3 years ago

I want full details of uttar pradesh SET exam for teaching

Reply to Anushka



4 years ago

How many times one can attempt MH-SET exam in order to qualify?

Reply to iram