A Student Study Plan for Success
There is an old saying: "To fail to plan is to plan to fail." No student wants to fail in his or her coursework; therefore, it is important to create a study plan. Probably the worst enemy of the student is procrastination or putting off the task of studying until the last minute. Cramming for an exam or writing a term paper at the last minute usually leads to poor grades.
The first step to a study plan is to create a study schedule. At first, it may be helpful to use a calendar or a day planner to schedule time for studying each subject during the week. Try to study at the same time each day to establish a routine. In this way, studying will become a habit to be followed on a daily basis. If possible, schedule study time when your mind is fresh and your mental energy level is high.
The second step is a specific study place free from interruptions and distractions. Be sure you have a table or desk large enough for all your materials along with a comfortable chair. Good lighting and a comfortable temperature are also important. Be sure to turn off the cell phone and the television before you begin studying.
The third step is to prioritize your study assignments and break them into smaller, more manageable tasks. Start with the most difficult subject first while you are still mentally alert. Plan to study for about 50 minutes. Then take a 10-minute break. Get up, stretch, and walk around, may be in another room. Do not use your break time to text or chat on the cell phone. The idea of the break is to refresh yourself, not distract yourself.
The fourth step is to review your class notes before beginning your study assignment. Reviewing class notes reinforces the facts you already know and understand and pinpoints those you have not yet mastered. Attack your assignments by skimming the text to grasp the general idea. Then scan the same text to locate specific information such as names and dates, numbers, and short statements. Finally, read the same text again at a slower rate than normal for maximum comprehension. If you are still having difficulty with the material, read aloud. Maximum comprehension is achieved by reading material more than once.
Finally, do not forget the "buddy system." If you are still having difficulty with portions of the assignment call a classmate and discuss your questions. Remember, "Two heads are better than one."
Good luck and happy studying!