Application Forms for University of Hyderabad Entrance Exams 2011 are Now Available!
Application forms for University of Hyderabad (UoHyd) Entrance Exam 2011, conducted for admission to its postgraduate courses, can now be downloaded from its official website.
The prospectus and application form of Hyderabad Central University are available to download from April 12, 2011 till May 6, 2011, which is also the last date to submit the filled-in forms. Alternatively, the interested applicants can buy the University of Hyderabad admission forms offline from April 16, 2011 or order it by post.
Last date to receive the order for Hyderabad University's prospectus and application form by post is May 2, 2011. The applicants will be able to download the hall tickets to University of Hyderabad entrance examinations from May 20, 2011 and the exams will be conducted from June 1 to June 7, 2011.
UoH Admission Announcement 2011-2012
According to the entrance exam 2011 notification released by Hyderabad Central University, the admission tests will be conducted for the following courses:
- 5-year Integrated MA/MSc courses in Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences: for which the eligibility is 10+2
- PG Diploma and Advanced PG Diploma courses in Health, Fitness and Lifestyle Management; Counseling Psychology; Folk Culture Studies; and Mineral Exploration: for which the eligibility is graduation
- M.Tech Programme in Information Technology (IT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), or Computer Science (CS); Bioinformatics; Mineral Exploration; Computer Techniques; and Integrated Circuit Technology: for which the eligibility is graduation in the related field
- M.Phil Programme in Humanities and Social Sciences: for which the eligibility is graduation in the related field
- Ph.D Programme in Sciences, Humanities, and Social Sciences
- Integrated M.Tech and Ph.D Programme in Material Engineering, Nano Science and Technology: for which the eligibility is graduation in the related field
- Integrated M.Sc and Ph.D Programme in Biotechnology: for which the eligibility is graduation in the related field
The entrance exams will be conducted in as many as 26 major cities across India but the university reserves the right to cancel any examination centre as it deems fit.
Eligibility for Hyderabad Central University Admission 2011
Candidates who will be able to submit results of their qualifying degree and related certificates to UoH by July 31, 2011 are eligible to take admission in this academic year and sit for the entrance exams.
Seats are reserved for SC, ST, PH, dependents of defence personnel, and Kashmiri migrants as per UGC norms. There are few seats reserved for NRIs too. However, hostel accommodatation is not guaranteed to all students.
Few Things to Remember
- Students need to fill in separate application form for each course.
- The prescribed entrance examination fees for General and OBC category students is Rs 200/- while for SC, ST, and PH category students, it is Rs 75/- which has to be submitted in the form of Demand Draft in the favor of:
The Finance Office, University of Hyderabad
payable at:
State Bank of India, Hyderabad Central University, Campus Branch, Hyderabad
or at:
Andhra Bank, Nampally Branch, Hyderabad (Code 378).
- Use a blue or black ball point pen to fill in the Basic Data Form and read the instructions carefully.
Check out the official UoHyd website to know more about the entrance examinations. You can also post in your queries at Shiksha Discussion Forums and keep up with interesting updates on education with us!
Best of Luck!
Source: Ruchi Shrimali (Shiksha Team)
Date: 14th April, 2011