CBSE board paper evaluation to go online

CBSE board paper evaluation to go online

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Updated on Dec 14, 2012 04:02 IST

Now CBSE students taking their board exams in 2013 can expect more transparency and minimum errors in evaluation of their answer papers. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will be conducting online evaluation of the answer papers, starting with class X in the first phase. CBSE plans to take up online evaluation of class XII answer sheets in the second phase in 2014.

The examiners/teachers will be trained to scan the answer sheets and upload them online for the purpose of evaluation using the new software. Sealed packets containing the answer books will be handed over to the service provider after coded stickers are fixed. At least two service providers will be selected, through tenders floated by the board, to arrange for the infrastructure and software required.

The online evaluation process is expected to ensure quality, speed and transparency. Commencing in March 2013, the first phase will have online checking of around 3 lakh Class X answer sheets.





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