Common Entrance Examination for Polytechnics (CEEP)

Common Entrance Examination for Polytechnics (CEEP)

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Updated on Jul 19, 2011 04:04 IST

Admissions into Polytechnics

CEEP or Common Entrance Examination for Polytechnics, is in high demand as it offers a platform for skilled supervisors in various industries. Government has decided to increase the seats to nearly 60,000 by establishing new polytechnics and conducting second shift in polytechnics and private engineering colleges.

Under CEEP counseling, qualified candidates are invited and allotted a seat as per their choices. Previously, candidates used to attend in any one of the 8 Counseling Centres for securing a seat in a polytechnic. In this process, candidates have to travel all the way to report at any one of the counseling centres more than once and it is also a time consuming process.

Online Counselling

For the Convenience of the Candidates, Government has adopted a total web based counseling procedure where a candidate can exercise options i.e. candidate can select a polytechnic and course which he/she intends to study, through internet centre or internet facility available at his/her residence and where access to such facility is not available, from any one of the help line centers established by Govt in the districts. The availability of such help line centers are present in each district.

For CEEP, the Director of Technical Education (DTE) every year issues a notification, during first week of June, in various leading news papers, which indicates the date wise ranks of candidates, who are required to attend for Registration, Verification of Certificates and Schedule for Exercising options. Moreover, the DTE also notifies the list of Help-line Centres. All the candidates who fail to report for registration and certificates verification are not considered for allotment of seats in any of the polytechnics.


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Source: Prachi Srivastava (Shiksha Team)
Date: 19th July, 2011

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