IGNOU launches PG Diploma in Sustainability Science

IGNOU launches PG Diploma in Sustainability Science

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Updated on Apr 29, 2011 04:11 IST


IGNOU launches PG Diploma in Sustainability Science

Does the increasing pressure on planet earth bother you? Do you feel strongly about the issues of sustainability science in the socio-cultural system? Do you feel a strong urge to know about the institutions, governance and policies which can help foster the green cover? The Indira Gandhi National Open University's (IGNOUs) Chair for Sustainable Development (CSD) caters to all such queries with the launch of an online programme called the ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Science.'

Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences formally launched the programme at the EMPC Studio-II of the university and said that, "Sustainability is anticipation i.e. what is likely to happen for example, with the monsoons, rainfall, winds etc. There are many thresholds (like global warming, CFCs impacting the ozone hole) we have crossed. The two most essential components to understand the environment is variability and change. In addition to it, Individual countries and nations play a very important role for they have their own policy and resources which they put into use. Community as a whole also affects the entire process."

"With the launch, IGNOU has become one of the very few Universities in the world and the first in the country to start ‘Sustainability Science' as a new discipline like United Nation University, University of Lund, University of Tokyo etc.," said Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai, VC, IGNOU.

All the graduates from social and natural sciences streams, policy makers, administrators, scientists and educators as well as general public interested in the paradigm shift from the present unsustainable to sustainable development are eligible to pursue this programme which is of minimum one year duration and maximum four years.

Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, MP, Rajya Sabha and Honorary Chair for Sustainable Develpoment said that, "Sustainable development requires proactive analysis. Even if we know that the south-west monsoon is going to be normal how do we utilize this prediction? That is the issue which needs our addressal. We are soon coming up with four more new programmes on population and sustainability development, gender and sustainability development, biodiversity and sustainability development and sustainability audit."

The programme is offered for July session only. Students seeking admission may get application forms as per the university schedule for admission from the concerned regional centre. Students can also apply online at www.IgnouOnline.ac.in/save.

This course will be a gate pass for those interested to join national and international organizations, in search of professionals who are keen to understand and learn the global issues of conservation, development, livelihood improvement etc in multidisciplinary team. Students interested to continue their research will get a theoretical understanding in choosing their career. Successful candidates may join as project officer/ environmental expert in the NGOs, industries and academic institutions.

Dr. Latha Pillai, Pro VC, IGNOU, while explaining about the activities of CSD said that, "Sustainability is a holistic subject that has taken cognizance of social, economical and ecological issues along with creating awareness among students and people. The subject has come up due to scarcity of natural resources which seems to be a key factor for the launch."

Linking sustainability science with the agriculture discipline Prof. P.C.Kesavan, IGNOU explained the details about the programme and said that, "The programme aims to enhance awareness and impart knowledge on urgent measures to be taken to limit population explosion and unsustainable lifestyle; to transform green revolution into evergreen revolution and to put ecology in the centre of economic development."

Source: Sheffali Malik

Date: 29th April 2011

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