IIT, IIM, NIT students prefer startups for internships

IIT, IIM, NIT students prefer startups for internships

1 min read852 Views 1 Comment
Updated on Aug 7, 2012 01:38 IST

It’s not only IT professionals who are increasingly opting for mid-tier companies over top-tier IT firms for opportunities to work on niche projects and better career growth. Now a rising number of students from elite colleges are applying for internships at startups. Smaller players attract talent by offering them quick recognition, an opportunity to learn and develop new skills and expertise on the job, higher retention bonus, variable pay, and even better travel opportunities. Read more

Students from prestigious colleges like IITs, IIMs, and NITs are using internships to gain a foothold in the entrepreneurial sector, as well as get exposure to overall operations of a company. Startups are also known to pay these interns reasonably well. See details

During placement season, companies too take interning at a startup as a positive reflection of a student’s risk appetite. Founders at startup firms are benefitting from attracting fresh talent too and are using this opportunity to give a new lease of life to their businesses.

Number of students opting to intern at startups has almost doubled at IIM Bangalore in the last few years, while it has increased by up to 30% at IIT Bombay in the last three years.

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2012-08-07 14:56:57

yeah today in technology world startups are growing very fast and guys get platform to learn many interesting things. Now a days ecommerce or online shopping platforms are very hot. Many startups like rechargefreak.com, wowwhatnext.com growing very fast and also provide internships

Reply to Suniti