Not Everybody can Handle Teaching

Not Everybody can Handle Teaching

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Updated on Mar 2, 2011 04:41 IST

A big responsibility rests on an educator's shoulders, says Ashok Bakhshi, director, Institute of Lifelong Learning, Delhi University and member, Standing Committee on National Mission on Education through ICT.

Do tell us about the demand and supply scenario...

I gather that after the OBC seat expansion, about 40% of teaching positions are lying vacant in Central universities in the country, including the IITs where many seats are unfilled.

When we get candidates for interviews, we see that they fulfill the basic requirements but they are not very competent. For deserving candidates, there's no dearth of opportunities. If you are excellent, there's no looking back.

What should aspiring university/ college teachers be prepared for?

Subject expertise is very very important. Teaching is not everybody's job. It is not about just reading a book or two and reproducing it in class. Your teaching should reflect how much you have thought about the topic at hand. This is missing today.

You have to begin from scratch. You begin with thinking why this topic is important. What would have been missed if it was not taught? A good teacher prepares for questions that can arise in a student's mind. You should have the ability to come down to the level of the weakest student and take all students along, even if it requires you to give one or two extra lectures.

Effective communication is important. You should be able to express an idea systematically and logically.

Students have to leave the class and eventually face the world. Are you preparing them to face the world? Outside, people will not ask you about postulates of some scientific theory. They want to know your critical thinking skills, ability to inter-link topics... You should encourage out-of-the-box thinking on the subject rather than rote-learning.

Another challenge is the growth of knowledge in other disciplines. The amount of knowledge is doubling very very fast. And new knowledge has to be passed on to the next generation. It has to be integrated into the syllabi.

Integration of technology, too, is a challenge. Teachers need to develop multi-media-enriched content because they cannot explain everything on the blackboard.

Do you see any change in the level of prestige attached to the job?

I think it's the same. I think it's the individual who commands respect. If you are able to satisfy your students, they will know he is sincere and hardworking. A student can make any mistake but he will not make a mistake in identifying a good teacher. No other profession gives you as much responsibility. And it's a big responsibility.

You may also like to read: University Teaching Has Become More Interactive and Hi-Tech! and Career As A University Teacher: Be The Change!


Author:  Rahat Bano (HT Horizons)

Date:  22nd January, 2011

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