Rajasthan Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) 2011Syllabus and Exam Date Released

Rajasthan Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) 2011Syllabus and Exam Date Released

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Updated on Mar 29, 2011 09:21 IST

The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education has recently announced the opening of registrations for the Teacher's Eligibility Test also known as TET. Interested applicants will be able to register online for this test until April 18, 2011. The Rajasthan Board will hold the Teacher's Eligibility (TET) exam on May 22, 2011. For more information about TET exams visit the official website of the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education at http://rajeduboard.nic.in/

In a recent announcement, Subhash Garg, the Chairman of the Board, said that they will be launching a new website exclusively for the TET candidates on March 27, 2011. This new website will feature information such as syllabus for the TET which can be downloaded from the website from today onwards.

Students who are interested in appearing for the Teacher's Eligibility Test should have scored a minimum of 60% in their BEd exams. The Board also stipulates that the candidate should hold a degree that is recognized by NCTE. Candidates with STC and with Diploma of Rehabilitation program that is conducted by Rehabilitation Council of India are also eligible to write this exam. It is to be noted that this will be the first TET exam conducted by this Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education in this State.

The State Government has issued an order to the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education to conduct this exam as per the guidelines proposed by the National Council for Technical Education (NCTE). As per the National Council for Technical Education (NCTE) guidelines, there are two categories of eligibility for the TET exams. The first category will be for teachers from Class I to Class V and second category will be from Class VI to Class VIII.

Candidates from Class I - V will be writing the Paper I, with the following subjects - Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, Language II, Mathematics, Environmental Studies. And candidates from Class VI - VIII will write Paper II with the following subjects - Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory), Language I (compulsory), Language II (compulsory), Mathematics and Science (for Maths and Science teachers) and Social Studies (for Social Studies teachers).

With the TET scheduled on May 22, 2011, the Board has decided hold the exam in two stages. The Board is aiming to conduct the first set of exam for over 50,000 candidates in Rajasthan. Once they clear the exams, eligible candidates will be ready to take up any teaching position through out Rajasthan by this June when the academic year begins.

The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education is working overtime to get everything ready for the first set of TET exams. Subhash Garg, the Chairman of the Board said that, the Board had a tough time, getting everything ready on time especially in the midst of the Board exams. He also said that they would be soon set up a separate cell for the TET exams.

In a move to provide eligible and good teachers to students, the NCTE has made it mandatory for all teachers with a BEd degree to pass the TET exam.

Links From Rajasthan:

Links to Teacher Training Programs:

Date: 29th March, 2011


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