RTE- Are we ready for it?
RTE or Right to Education states "compulsory and free education up to 14 years of age". Supreme Court on the other hand has made it mandatory. But the question arises do we have enough sources for converting this right into affect.
A recent study conducted by National University of Education Planning and Administration (NUEPA) revealed that the schools across the country lack basic amenities such as toilets, classrooms and teachers. According to this, only 62.61% of schools have common toilets out of which only 72% of them are functional. Even the number of teachers per school is a mere 4.7. This was brought in front of the SC and an affidavit was filed as per the court directions. The apex body will hear a PIL or public interest litigation on the pitiable condition of the government schools.
The NUEPA survey was inclusive of aided, unaided, government and unrecognized schools and the statistics were generated through NUEPA's district information system for education (DISE).
The survey also suggests that only 42.59% schools have boy's toilets and 60.28% have girl's toilets while all of them are not in working condition. The average number of classrooms per school is 4.6. While HRD ministry was much concerned over availing affordable tablets to all students the fact was quite harsh. In India, only 18.70% schools have computers and amongst them just 82% are functional. While 43.14% schools have access to electricity, more than 45% lack a simple boundary wall.
The only point that has brought a smile to the faces was on the admission front. Despite the lack of facilities the numbers have not dropped. In fact, there was a marginal increase in the enrolment of students at the primary level as compared to 2009-2010, where around 18 lakh new students were admitted from classes I to V. Read More...
Other interesting reads:
-All schools to admit 25% poor students
-Microsoft's cloud for 70 lakh students
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