Sikkim Manipal University Assignments: A Detailed Description

Sikkim Manipal University Assignments: A Detailed Description

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Updated on May 9, 2011 04:04 IST

Sikkim Manipal University Assignments form an important part of the various programmes offered by the university. These assignments are done under the Internal Assessment process and students are required to submit the same before the date set the university. The complete assignments are evaluated by different faculty members, as per the department.

The individual marks secured by the students, on different subjects must be submitted to office of Students Evaluation. Recently, Manipal Education has launched professional education for different service sectors like IT, Financial Services, Media and Retail.

Sikkim Manipal University has over 3,00,000 students from over 52 countries. 25,000 of its students study at institutions and overseas campuses in India and abroad. Apart from this, students are provided quality distance education, through satellite-based lectures and local coaching at 725+ learning centres, both in India and overseas.

Internal Assessment

Evaluation Procedure

Internal Assessment or IA comprises marks for the practicals, assignments, final semester projects & viva voce, unless and until specified otherwise. Students are required to complete their assessment requirements, according to the benchmarks prescribed by the university. This must be done in accordance with the rules laid by respective learning centres, on or before the due dates.

All the records pertaining with Internal Assessment (IA), will be including IA report, which is maintained at the Learning

Centre for a period of 1 year. These records are maintained after the declaration of the results, which must be provided to the university or its representative when demanded.

IA marks will be taken to notice as disproportionate or arbitrary, in the following cases:

  • Same or equal IA Marks to all students for a given paper
  • IA Marks which are equal to the maximum marks
  • IA marks more than the maximum marks
  • Wide variation between IA and University Examination (UE) marks in a particular paper. The variation between the IA Marks and the UE Marks must not be more than 30%.

The University also reserves the right, to moderate or reassess marks of internal assessment in such cases. Sikkim Manipal University also has authority to ask Learning Centre to submit all IA related documents, for thorough and independent assessment via a panel of experts. Submission of internal assessment marks by the Learning Centre is done with the help of IA Online Tool.

Complete Grading System

  • Grading system of Pro Degree will be same as Information Technology, Management & Commerce
  • Grading system of MSc BT will be same as BSc BT, MSc BI, MBAHCS, MSc CRRA, PGDHSM
  • Little information has to include on Examination Results, Award of Degree, Right to Amend Rules and Jurisdiction


Source: Prachi Srivastava (Shiksha Team)
Date: 9th May 2011



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