Study disaster management in your UG course

Study disaster management in your UG course

1 min read343 Views 1 Comment
Updated on Mar 7, 2013 17:07 IST

The University Grants Commission has finally issued a directive to all the 566 universities in India to introduce disaster management as an optional subject in all the undergraduate (UG) courses offered by them and their affiliated colleges. It has also circulated a model syllabus for the proposed subject.

The directive is said to be the result of high priority of the Union government for disaster mitigation through structured educational programmes and professional training.

The four-member committee, appointed by the UGC to suggest measures for promoting disaster management education in the university system, has also recommended that disaster management should be a part of the orientation and refresher courses offered to teachers by the Academic Staff Colleges.

The disaster management course is expected to prepare the society as a whole to reduce disaster risks, save lives and minimise losses. It will also help in developing a culture of safety and prevention.

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This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio





neha raghuwanshi

2013-03-28 16:08:05

I wanna make career in some unique field so plz suggested me some idea

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