Teaching: A Profession That Ignite Minds

Teaching: A Profession That Ignite Minds

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Updated on May 19, 2011 01:52 IST

Teaching is the fine art of shaping young minds and honing skills and is not to be confused with training. Teaching involves a much greater level of involvement and interaction. Teaching is no longer restricted to the classrooms. Getting through the syllabus is only one part of a teacher's job. S/he is expected to equip students with the power of making independent decisions and to instill in them certain virtues. The new-age teacher does not impose rigid rules on students; rather, s/he facilitates the process of learning, and through it, the process of living.


  • 8am: Check attendance and proceed to the field for morning prayers with the students
  • 8.30am: Check homework and start revising the lectures of the previous day
  • 9.15am: Pick a light topic and explain elementary details
  • 10am: Move gradually onto a tougher topic, make it interactive and try out new approaches
  • 10.45am: Time for the sports break to enable students to get some exercise
  • 11.30pm: Lunch
  • 12pm: Start craft and other creative activities
  • 12.45pm: Assess the students' work and give them feedback on their work
  • 1.30pm: Set down home work
  • 2pm: See off students in their private vehicles/school buses and end the day

The Payoff

  • After the sixth pay commission a teacher at the entry level earns from Rs 10,000 to Rs 20,000 per month.
  • With experience, one can expect to earn above Rs 20,000 per month
  • The salary may vary according to grade and school


  • A high level of patience and perseverance
  • Ability to provide a comfortable environment
  • Eagerness to keep learning
  • Clear thought process and communication skills
  • Innovative thinking to help children learn concepts in a different way
  • This profession demands sincerety and dignity

Getting There

Someone with a bachelor's degree in education (BEd) can start as a primary school teacher. A degree in home science also makes you eligible. A graduation score of 55 per cent is a prerequisite. A BEd may be followed up with an MEd. A Basic Training Certificate (BTC), Diploma in Education (DEd) and Teacher Training Certificate (TTC) are courses that can help you land a teaching job as well


  • IGNOU, www.ignou.ac.in
  • Delhi University, www.du.ac.in
  • Jamia Millia Islamia, www.jmi.nic.in

Pros and Cons

  • A Secure work environment
  • Comparative lack of workplace politics
  • Chances of career stagnation
  • Learning by rote can affect creativity
  • Relatively low pay and few incentives
  • It is a noble profession and keeps you young at heart
  • It keeps you well informed with latest happenings and evokes in you a curiosity to know more and more of your subject matter so that you are never at a loss while answering queries of studnets
  • It helps you grow both in modesty and intellect
  • It helps you understand your own children better. You are never astonished by their actions and temper tantrums
  • Gets you lot of respect from your studenst and their parents
  • This profession gives you great satisfaction. You feel extremely happy when you see your students growing up into smart well-adjusted and and learned young men and women
  • You have to be a responsible adult as you are accountable for your student's academic future
  • Good work life balance can be acheived in this profession


Source: HT Horizons

Date: 19th May 2011

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