Technical snag leads to admission hiccups

Technical snag leads to admission hiccups

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Updated on Jun 6, 2012 11:05 IST

It's peak time for college admissions. But it seems all is not well with the virtual facility set up by colleges. Students applying for online admissions to some of the Bhopal colleges are reported to have trouble downloading application forms. Slow server of the higher education department is cited as the reason for the technical snag experienced by students in the state.


The problem seems to have resulted from the sudden spurt in online admission traffic following the declaration of class XII results. Problem began when many students started applying online, simultaneously. A student reported to have approached the MP online kiosk after her system failed to download the form, but the condition was no better over there. Now she is directly visiting the college for admission.


Though the idea of online admissions is impressive but perhaps the education department is still not ready for it. The online admissions began from May 21 and the last date for the registration is June 10. Documents will be verified during May 21 to June 11.


As per the higher education department guidelines, candidates can download the application forms from the official website of the department and a format has also been uploaded to guide students to fill the application form.


V S Niranjan, Commissioner, higher education told TOI that there is no problem in online admissions and he has not received any complaint about slow server. He added that he personally visited the colleges to check the system's functioning.


Since the inception of online admissions scheme, the department has successfully administered the admission of 21,120 students, said Niranjan. (Read full story)

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