Tips to Improve Exam Strategies

Tips to Improve Exam Strategies

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Updated on May 17, 2011 03:28 IST

Appearing for any exam can be stressful; no matter how prepared you are for it. You will still experience some anxiety. The key to success with any exam is preparation and organization, and application of a few techniques which will yield improvement with some practice.

Reading and understanding the study material is going to ensure that you are well on your way to score high on your exams. Your teacher gives you reading assignments for a reason. It is important to prepare before a class by jotting down questions you may have and bringing them up during classroom discussions. It is likely that you will retain the information, learned in this manner, better.

Taking good notes in class can put you ahead of the game. Do not just jot down what your teacher says, but also leave enough space for yourself, so when you do yourself study , you can write additional information if any. With many professors placing their information online, print what you can and elaborate on this information in class as well. Also, do not be afraid to ask your teachers to slow their teaching pace or repeat anything if required, because it can later be difficult to recollect the missed information. Along with taking good notes, you need to make sure your notebook is well organized. Use different tabs to section out your notebook, always date your notes as well; this way you will be able to quickly find exactly what you are looking for.

Find yourself a study friend, go over your notes with each other; he/she may have something that you had missed. Also, get with your study friend often; do not just wait until the day before the exam. Putting your heads together may allow you to retain the information better, especially if you follow the techniques your friends follow and which work for them. Make sure to quiz each other often based on the notes and homework you have completed.

If you are ever studying alone, using flash cards is also a great way to help you retain information. Writing the information helps you to retain it better.

These are just some ways in which you can study in order to see some significant changes in your exam scores. Overall, the best thing to do is thorough preparation by reading the assignments, and having your notes written and organized neatly, either by using a notebook with different sections, or a different notebook for each class. Find a good reliable study friend, and invest in note cards. Making your own will indeed prove to be valuable.


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Date: 17th May 2011


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