'Virtual frog dissection app' in schools

'Virtual frog dissection app' in schools

1 min read51 Views Comment
Updated on Oct 4, 2012 05:43 IST

Introducing humane and modern methods in teaching Biology at universities and other schools, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in collaboration with software maker Punflay, is set to launch free 'virtual frog dissection' application for science classrooms in schools and universities. This free application, created by Punflay, will be available for desktops, laptops, Macs, iPads, netbooks and interactive-whiteboards.

This one-of-its-kind application will imitate the dissection with life-like graphics that offer a bloodless field, colour differentiation and clarity that cannot be matched with animal dissection.

The initiative was undertaken after the Ministry of Environment and Forests and the University Grants Commission (UGC) issued new guidelines to do away with animal dissection in life-sciences education, facing pressure from animal rights activists led by PETA.

Nevertheless, the decision was condemned by biology teachers considering the fact that the new norms would hamper anatomy lessons, creating a generation of researchers lacking proper laboratory skills.

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