Karanataka reduces syllabus by 30 per cent for Classes 1 to 10. Check the details here.
The Karnataka Education Department has modified the syllabus for Classes 1 to 10 by 30 per cent owing to the coronavirus situation in the country, the Minister for Primary and Secondary Education, S Suresh Kumar said. The syllabus has been reduced to fill into 120 working days. The move comes after Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) reduced the syllabus for Classes 9 to 12 due to COVID-19 pandemic. Notably, the move is applicable only for the current academic year.
"In the wake of COVID-19, the Education Department has modified the syllabus of all subjects from Classes 1 to 10. The final version hasn't been completed as the academic year has not been fixed yet. Subsequent syllabus modifications will be done scientifically. There will be no chance for confusion," the Education Minister said.
He further instructed authorities to create syllabus teaching models as per the department's technology-based learning policy, identifying courses that may be made available in this academic year, mass media or compulsory texts that are mandatory for technology-based teaching. He further clarified that the syllabus has not been finalised yet and the one uploaded on the website is not the final version. He also directed the authorities to withdraw it immediately.
The move will impact the Karnataka SSLC Board Exams 2021 and it is expected that like other states, no question will be asked in the Karnataka Board Exams 2021 from the omitted Karnataka SSLC Syllabus 2021.
He further said that there was no question of covering up the history of any person, record, or fact in relation to history, reiterating that there would not be any unnecessary political confusion.
On Tuesday, the education minister had said that schools would remain closed and were expected to open in August or September, in the view of rising COVID-19 cases in Karnataka.
Earlier, several states across the country including Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab and others, have announced reducing the syllabus by 30 per cent to make up for the study loss that has occurred due to ongoing coronavirus outbreak.
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