Balwant Sheth School of Architecture
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Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) 

  • Private Institute
  • Estd. 2007

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture 


5 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Total Tuition Fees

26.25 Lakh

Official Website

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Seat breakup


Type of University


Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture 

Fee componentsAmount (5 years)
26.25 Lakh
15.10 Lakh
41.35 Lakh
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These are based on information available on various sources. Latest values may differ.

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture 

Latest curriculum for Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) at Balwant Sheth School of Architecture can be downloaded from the below link. The curriculum PDF has semester wise course structure, electives and detailed course content. You can also check course curriculum of other specializations offered in B.Arch at Balwant Sheth School of Architecture

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture 
Entry Requirements

Requirements for 12th gradeUp Arrow Icon
  • 50%
NATAUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
Other eligibility criteriaUp Arrow Icon

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture 
Admission Process

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Other courses offered by Balwant Sheth School of Architecture

6.6 LPA
21.35 LPA
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Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture 

Student Forum

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Answered a year ago

The latest cutoff information for Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) at NMIMS Mumbai is as follows: * General Category: 100-110/200 NATA marks * OBC-NCL Category: 95-105/200 NATA marks * SC Category: 90-100/200 NATA marks * ST Category: 85-95/200 NATA marks Please note that these are just the aver


Praveen Kumar

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 years ago

Balwant Sheth School of Architecture BArch Admission 2021: Course duration, 5 years; Course fee, Rs 5.03 lakh per year. Refer the below link for more-


Contributor-Level 10

Answered 4 years ago

Hi, Just go through this link and fill out the required details College predictor in Shiksha

Saket Raj Sahu

Guide-Level 15

Answered 5 years ago

Hi, The cut-off in NATA exam varies a lot every year. Since it depends upon the number of NATA aspirants and also the number of seats offered by various colleges. The average cut-off for Balwant Sheth School of Architecture is around 100-110/200 NATA marks.

Sharath H Aithal

Scholar-Level 17

Answered 6 years ago

Fee structure of B.Arch in Balwant Sheth School of Architecture, NMIMS University is mentioned below: Yearly fees (Tuition component): INR 4 lakh each year for 5 years Total fees: 20 Lakhs INR. Regards.


rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture 
Take a look at Campus

Balwant Sheth School of Architecture Campus Building(1)Header
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture Campus Building(2)Campus Building
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture Students Work(1)Winner- All India Arch. Competition FOAID 2016
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture Campus View
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture Others(1)

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)
Balwant Sheth School of Architecture 
Contact Information


Balwant Sheth School of Architecture,
V. L. Mehta Road

Mumbai ( Maharashtra)


(For general query)


(For admission query)

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