C U Shah Commerce College
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Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) 

  • Estd. 1968

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
C U Shah Commerce College 


3 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
C U Shah Commerce College 
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Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
C U Shah Commerce College 

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Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
C U Shah Commerce College 
Students Ratings & Reviews

Verified Icon10 Verified ReviewsInfo Icon
Placement Review IconPlacements3.6
Infrastructure Review IconInfrastructure3.5
Faculty Review IconFaculty & Course4.3
Crowd Review IconCampus Life3.8
Money Review IconValue for Money4
Arzoo raghubhai rabari Verified Icon
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) - Batch of 2020
Offered by C U Shah Commerce College
5Placements5Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Review of C U Shah Commerce College.
Placements: National banks, LIC, etc., visit our college. The lowest salary package offered is around 2 LPA - 5 LPA. The salary packages depend on roles.
Infrastructure: Our college has a library. It has all books, magazines, etc. Our college provides good atmosphere.
Faculty: Teachers are well-educated and helpful. The teaching quality is the best. Sometimes, they do not complete courses on time. Attendance is not compulsory in our college.
Reviewed on 6 Jul 2023Read More
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AnonymousVerified Icon
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) - Batch of 2024
Offered by C U Shah Commerce College
3Placements2Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life3Value for Money
It is the best college to pursue CA.
Placements: Placement information of different companies is provided in WhatsApp groups. Our college gives seminars on all the necessary skills required for jobs. The minimum salary offered is Rs.15,000 per month.
Infrastructure: Hostel facility is not available in our college. The infrastructure of our college is very old but a new building should be constructed. The ground is small. There are big grounds in our college.
Faculty: Faculty members in our college are the best. This college provides a very good education for students at an affordable fee. All the faculty members provide knowledge about study and other activities. They are helpful to students in decision-making.
Reviewed on 28 Mar 2023Read More
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Chandrakant ParmarVerified Icon
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) - Batch of 2018
Offered by C U Shah Commerce College
2Placements3Infrastructure4Faculty3Crowd & Campus Life1Value for Money
It is the best college in the city of Ahmedabad.
Placements: The salary offered to the students ranges from Rs. 15,000-30,000 per month. Many companies visit our campus for recruitment. Roles like account, marketing, etc., are offered in this course. The salary offered to B.Com students ranges between Rs. 10,000-15,000 per month. The salary offered to the M.Com students ranges between Rs. 20,000-30,000 per month.
Infrastructure: It has a huge campus. The college provides good facilities like library, huge classrooms, etc. Every month a new programme and job fair are held in this college. The college provides 4 canteens, and fresh food is served in the canteen.
Faculty: Faculty members teaching quality is very good. All the teachers are helpful for the students in their studies, and they are highly qualified. They all are experienced in their field. They are very smart and knowledgeable.
Other: I have chosen this course because an account is my favourite subject and I got good marks in this subject. Campus crowd is good. Scholarships are available. Many other activities are conducted in our college.
Reviewed on 26 Dec 2019Read More
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Abhinav TandonVerified Icon
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) - Batch of 2017
Offered by C U Shah Commerce College
3Placements3Infrastructure4Faculty3Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
I am satisfied with the college.
Placements: Placements in our college are not much good. However, the college is good for local students who know local languages and familiar with the localites. Most of the placements are related to bank and accounts as the college is specialised in the accounts department.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure of our college is good. There is only a single building for academics, and it is for higher secondary school. Classrooms are huge to accommodate all the students. The college also had a library, medical facilities, and a games room but no canteen.
Faculty: Teachers are very helpful. They all are qualified and have good teaching techniques. They switch their languages according to the understanding of the students. The college didn't provide any industry exposure. The course curriculum was good.
Reviewed on 11 Mar 2019Read More
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Ravindra SutharVerified Icon
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) - Batch of 2016
Offered by C U Shah Commerce College
4Placements4Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
The college which is selected by many students as their first preference.
Placements: Analysis of students and their strengths are done by the college professors, and after that, they approach some companies. In this field, they provide placement in banks, accounting for companies and in other CA firms. Also, they provide us various guidance through various seminars in the college. After completion of B.Com, they send us a daily message about vacancies.
Infrastructure: The building of the college is good enough, and infrastructure of the classroom is above average compared to other colleges in the city. There is no Wi-Fi on the campus. The library is on the 3rd floor in which you find English and Gujarati literature and other stuff related to study. Because the campus is in between the city, no sports facilities are available, but the college students can use that of a nearby college (a type with CU Shah for use).
Faculty: The teachers are very kind and knowledgeable, they always support students for their study and other problems they face. They teach us by the old method green board only. A normal batch contains around 50-60 students daily even in the winter 7:30 lecture. The course curriculum is good.
Reviewed on 27 Feb 2018Read More
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Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
C U Shah Commerce College 

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Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
C U Shah Commerce College 
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C U Shah Commerce College 
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