Department of Management Studies (DMS)
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Department of Management Studies (DMS) Placement - Average Package & Highest Salary

Department of Management Studies (DMS)
Placements overview


(2 students)

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Department of Management Studies (DMS)
Average packages & top recruiters 2025

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Intech System
Axis Bank
Coffee Day Group
Asian Paints
TATA Consultancy Services
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Department of Management Studies (DMS)
Course placements 2023

CourseAverage salaryMedian SalaryHighest Salary
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
INR 15.60 Lakh
INR 7.20 Lakh
INR 82.00 Lakh
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Department of Management Studies (DMS)
Students Ratings & Reviews

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Nikky ShuklaVerified Icon
Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Batch of 2019
1Placements4Infrastructure1Faculty2Crowd & Campus Life1Value for Money
Gives only a degree and noting else even not a job.
Placements: No placement is there in NIT Bhopal for MBA students. There are placements only for engineering background students. You will leave college with just a degree and no job. You'll have to do something on your own to get a job by sitting in off campus in other colleges or searching in
Infrastructure: Infrastructure is good since it is a National Institute. But as a student, you get only theoretical lectures period by period and no other facilities provided as MBA students get in private colleges. MBA students are only thrown in a small department of management studies in the energy center. The canteen was good but now closed due to non-payments of arrears.
Faculty: Faculty members give very boring and only theory lectures which do not motivate to attend the class and there is a strict rule of 75% attendance. Due to which you will even not be able to concentrate on any other studies. Faculty members are not responsible.
Other: Events, Fests are only known by engineering students. MBA students are only a small department, they come to get a degree and leave the college with 0 placement. It will only give you a degree and for that, you will have to attend college regularly which is of no use. In those 2 years, you'll not get time to concentrate on other things.
Reviewed on 22 May 2019Read More
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Kumar ManglumVerified Icon
Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Batch of 2013
1Placements2Infrastructure3Faculty2Crowd & Campus Life3Value for Money
Other: I will start with the admission procedure, for MBA in MANIT, you will be required to submit a valid CAT Score card with other educational documents of course. Irrespective of the percentile scored in CAT no matter what you have scored they will consider you until they have seats left in their old class rooms. In my session people got admission because there were seats available and they purchased the admission brochure. Now something about the studies, few teachers are very professional and have in-depth knowledge of their respective subjects and rest all will fool you with their experience. You have to study hard for good grades but if you just want to pass they will give you 2 to 3 chances of re-exams in which they will tell what you questions they will ask because they cannot throw any failure student out. For students with reservations they will have facilities of scholarships means fees refunds. Wi-Fi, projector, library, canteen and such other facilities are good enough means you can survive. They have SBI as there internship provider and they only choose 4-6 people in every batch. There are two conditions for selection either your educational background is good enough or you have made good relations with the teachers, seniors and most importantly people handling T&P Coordination jobs. No placement facility is provided from the college. Few stupid teachers will fool you that they can ensure your placement but they are struggling with their own jobs. As a bad carpenter blames his tools they will either blame you for not putting enough efforts in T&P Coordination or play a blame game with other teachers in the department. Students doing other courses from same college will have ample of opportunities but not particularly for this department. They will fool you with the pictures of few students who accidently got selected once in Coal India. Vardman yarns is the only company that keeps on coming every year and hire 3-5 people for the sake. Package will be 20k per month. Fees is less and the environment is quite good and your two years will pass quickly, writing tests and exams which will give you knowledge but no industry experience and no placements will make you feel a loser at the end. Few students with good relations with teachers or the people handling T&P Coordination might get few bullshit opportunities to feel proud on, rest all will only feel proud on having a degree from NIT.
Reviewed on 6 Jul 2015Read More
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Link Road Number 3, Near Kali Mata Mandir,
Bhopal ( Madhya Pradesh)


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