Certificate in Camera & lighting
Certificate in Camera & lighting at ITV School of Media and Management Overview
Certificate in Camera & lighting is offered at Certificate level by the ITV School of Media and Management. The duration of Certificate in Camera & lighting is 6 months. The total cost for Certificate in Camera & lighting is INR 2,00,000. Apart from the course fee, students are required to pay a one-time admission fee of . Certificate in Camera & lighting offers admission to 20 students. Check out more details for Certificate in Camera & lighting at ITV School of Media and Management:
Duration | 6 months |
Credential | Certificate |
Mode of Course | Full Time |
Total Tuition Fees | ₹2.00 Lakh |
Official Website | Go to Website |
Seat breakup | 20 |
Certificate in Camera & lighting at ITV School of Media and Management Fees
ITV School of Media and Management fee consists of various components, which include admission fees, tuition fees, medical assistance, university development fees and many more. Some of the fee components are required to be paid semester-wise, while others must be paid yearly. The ITV School of Media and Management tuition fee for Certificate in Camera & lighting is INR 2,00,000. Below mentioned are more details about fee structure of ITV School of Media and Management Certificate in Camera & lighting:
Fee components | Amount (6 months) |
₹ 2.00 Lakh | |
₹ 2.00 Lakh |
These are based on information available on various sources. Latest values may differ.
Certificate in Camera & lighting at ITV School of Media and Management Placements
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Certificate in Camera & lighting at ITV School of Media and Management Contact Information
275, Captain Gaur Marg, Srinivas Puri, Near Okhla Railway Station