Modern Group of Instituitons
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Modern Group of Instituitons Fees 2024

Modern Group of Instituitons
Fees Overview

CourseTotal tuition fees
MBA/PGDM  (1 Courses)
₹ 1.33 L
Info Icon The fees is for the entire duration of the respective courses.

Modern Group of Instituitons
MBA/PGDM fee details 2025

Fee componentsAmount (for 2 years)
₹ 1.33 L
₹ 1.33 L
Info Icon

These are estimated fees information. Actual values may differ.


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#29 NIRF
₹6 L - 26.36 L
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#38 NIRF
₹1.6 L - 10 L
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#41 NIRF
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#81 NIRF
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₹9.04 L - 13.08 L
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#18 Times
₹4.92 L - 8.5 L
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#70 Times
₹2.46 L
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Is this recommendation relevant?
Tushar MandleyVerified Icon
Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Batch of 2018
1Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life3Value for Money
Absolutely dissatisfied because of our college's placement.
Placements: Placement department was not the best of our college. No big companies invited for recruitment. Normal companies that came were a few. So, our college is not good in terms of placement.
Infrastructure: Our college (Modern Group of Institution). The students are endowed with all convenient amenities which makes life easy. Some of the facilities included well ventilated classrooms, recreational areas, hostel facilities for boys and girls along with both indoor outdoor games.
Faculty: Faculty is average. Everyone used to work according to their comfort but faculty members were supportive. They should work on their behavior towards students. A few were quite rude and unprofessional.
Reviewed on 13 Mar 2019Read More
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Modern Group of Instituitons

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Answered a year ago

Modern Group of Instituitons has been rated 4 on Infrastructure parameter. Modern Group of Instituitons has also been rated 4 for Campuslife.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered a year ago

Modern Group of Instituitons has been rated 1 on placements.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered a year ago

Modern Group of Instituitons has courses such as MBA/PGDM to offer. These courses are in the stream of Business & Management Studies.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered a year ago

Modern Group of Instituitons has been rated 4 for faculty as per reviews by students. This shows that Institute has qualified and experienced faculty members.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered a year ago

The overall seats available across all courses offered by Modern Group of Instituitons is up to 120. Good thing to know is that Modern Group of Instituitons has courses which are approved by prominent Government bodies like AICTE.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Modern Group of Instituitons
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