VEDA IIT - VLSI  Engineering and Design Automation
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Diploma in VLSI Physical Design 

  • Estd. 1997

Diploma in VLSI Physical Design
VEDA IIT - VLSI Engineering and Design Automation 


6 months

Course Level

UG Diploma

Mode of Course

Full Time

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Diploma in VLSI Physical Design
VEDA IIT - VLSI Engineering and Design Automation 

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Diploma in VLSI Physical Design
VEDA IIT - VLSI Engineering and Design Automation 
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  • N/A
CBSE 12thUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
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  • N/A
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Diploma in VLSI Physical Design
VEDA IIT - VLSI Engineering and Design Automation 
Students Ratings & Reviews

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Sudheer Kumar PABBATHIVerified Icon
Diploma in VLSI Physical Design - Batch of 2017
Offered by VEDA IIT - VLSI Engineering and Design Automation
5Placements4Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Satisfied because of the faculty.
Placements: Many of you might have confused VEDA IIT for a conventional college, but FYI it is not. VEDA IIT conducts entrance examinations for the people who want to go for the core fields in VLSI design and automation. The people who will get selected in the third-round entrance test will be given free 6-months training in the field that they got selected. If you are an intern from your college, you will be given a stipend of Rs 12,000 - 15,000 depending on your domain. Every person, after the training, will be placed in the group of companies, i.e., Soctronics, Invecas. The salary will be starting at 3 LPA.
Infrastructure: VEDA IIT has got the best infrastructure. Everyone will be given a personal login to work on. The whole campus and classrooms are air-conditioned too. Food will be provided by VEDA IIT itself and is affordable and tasty too. Some glitches are their wrt to the servers. It is also equipped with a digital and physical library for you to study throughout. Sports is also an appreciable thing at VEDA IIT. You will have table tennis, carrom, chess, etc.
Faculty: The teachers are excellent in VEDA IIT. They have an experience of more than 15 years. As soon as the teaching is done, you will be given an assignment on it to do, and exams will be conducted very often for you to excel through. Industry exposure will be there, and the course curriculum is an added advantage here.
Other: You will be given free entry to the VLSI international conference conducted every year and in seminars given by noted employees from the global companies.
Reviewed on 29 Mar 2018Read More
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Diploma in VLSI Physical Design
VEDA IIT - VLSI Engineering and Design Automation 

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VEDA IIT - VLSI Engineering and Design Automation 
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